Volume 698, Page 64 View pdf image |
(64) Said Province Deceased To James Bennett and the Said William Stavely Together with all Houses Outhouses Edifices Buildings Yards Ways Passages Easements Water Courses Woods Underwoods Timber and Timber Trees profitts Comodities and appurtenances whatsoever the same Premisses belonging or any wise appertaining or to or with the same or any part thereof or at any time heretofore used occupied or enjoyed or accepted reputed taken or known as part parcell or member thereof and the Revertion & Revertions Remainder and Remainders of his part aforesaid & the whole Rent & Rents Issues and yearly and other profitts and all arrearages of the same or which shall become due on the Twenty fifth day of December next ensuing or at any time hereafter to the said William Stavely and also all the Estate right Title intrest property profitt possession interest Claim and Demand Whatsoever both in Law and Equity of him the said William Stavely of in unto or out of the said Premisses & of in and unto and out of every or any part or parcell thereof To have and to hold this Said part of the Said mannor Messuages Lands Tennements Hereditaments & all and singular other the Premisses herein before Mencond with the appurtenances unto the said Benjamin Tasker his Heirs and assignes for ever & to and for no other use intent or purpose whatsoever And the Said William Stavely for himself his Heirs Ex.rs Adm.rs & Assigns Doth hereby Covenant Promise Grant and Agree to and with the Said Benjamin Tasker his Heirs and assignes that he the Said William Stavely is Rightfully Lawfully & absolutely seized of an Estate in Fee Simple in & to his said parts of the Said Mannor and Premisses af.d with the appurtenances And that He Hath Good right and absolute power to sell & Convey the Same and every part thereof and of the Premisses af.d to the Said Benjamin Tasker his heirs & assigns for ever And that he the said W.m Stavely shall & will Warrant the Same and every part thereof to the Said Benjamin Tasker his Heirs and Assignes against all persons whatsoever free and Discharged from all Arrearages of Rent and Other titles and incumberances whatsoever And also that he the Said W.m Stavely his heirs and assignes or any Claiming under him or them shall & will at any time or times hereafter at the Reasonable Request of him the said Benjamin Tasker his Heirs and Assignes or any of them Doe make & execute any Act or Acts Deed or Deeds for the Better & more sure Conveying and Confirming the Premisses aforesaid with the appurtenances unto the Said Benjamin Tasker his (Heirs) |
Volume 698, Page 64 View pdf image |
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