Volume 698, Page 63 View pdf image |
(63) On the Back of the aforegoing indenture was endorsed as follows vizt Nov.br 15 1731 Then Received of Thomas Worthington the within sume of nineteen pounds & one shilling sterl the full Consideration money for the Land & premisses within Mencond as Witness my hand the Day and year aforesaid his Witness Nich.o N Grimes Tho.s Baldwin mark Sarah Worthington Memorandum On this Day (to witt) the 15 day of Novemb seventeen Hundred and and Thirty One Came Nich.o Grimes the Person within named before me the subscriber one of his Lordships Justices of the Provinciall Court of Maryland & Did acknowledge this Deed and the Land and Premisses therein mencond to be the right of the ^within^ named Thomas Worthington his heirs and assignes for ever according to the wise intent and meaning thereof and Act of Assembly in that Case made and Provided 9 sides Taken and acknowledged before me the Day and year above Written (Recorded this first day of May 1732) Benj.a Tasker Vide Alice Grimes the wife of the above Nich.o Grimes acknowledgment of his right of dower to the Land aforementioned Recorded in this Book folio (130) x.d This Indenture made the twentieth Day of November Anno Domini 1731 Between William Stavely at present in the Province of Maryland but late of London Gent of the one part and Benjamin Tasker of the said province Esq.r of the other part Witnesseth that the said William Stavely for & in Consideration of the sume of Three Hundred pounds sterl to y.e said William Stavely by the said Benjamin Tasker at or before the Ensealing and Delivery of these presents paid or secured to be paid Hath granted bargained Sold Aliend released Enfeoffed and Confirmed and by these Presents Doth fully & absolutely Grant Bargain Sell Alien Release Enfeoff & Confirm unto the Said Benjamin Tasker his Heirs and Assignes for ever All his part of all that manner Conteining Two Thousand Acres of Land more or Less Commonly Called or known by the name of Kent Fort Mannor scituate Lying and being in the Southermost End of Kent Island in Queen Anns County in the Said Province of Maryland And which was Conveyed by Thomas Bladen of London Gent son and heir of William Bladen Late of the (said) |
Volume 698, Page 63 View pdf image |
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