Howard County 2807
bureau. One member shall be an Electrical Engineer, and two members
shall be selected from the general public. Insofar as practical, all members
shall be residents of Howard County.
3.301—Board Procedures
The Board of Electrical Examiners shall hold regular monthly meet-
ings. Special meetings may be held at any time, at the call of the Chairman
shall adopt rules for the transaction of its business. It shall keep a record
of its resolutions, transactions, findings, determinations and decisions and
it shall keep minutes of its proceedings, all of which shall be filed in the
Department of Public Works, and shall be a public record. The County
Solicitor, or a member of the Office of Law designated by him, shall serve
as legal counsel to the Board.
3.302—Board Responsibilities
The Board of Electrical Examiners, shall make recommendations to
the County Executive and the County Council on all matters relating to
the conduct of the electrical business in Howard County which shall
include, but not be limited to, the business of installing, altering, repairing,
maintaining or erecting any type of electrical wiring, conduits, raceways,
machinery, appliances, motors, transformers, fixtures, electrical display
signs, radios, televisions, television antennas, electronic devices, electrically
operated heating equipment, electrically operated air conditioning and
refrigeration, electrically operated elevators, cranes, hoists, and pumps,
or any other electrically operated apparatus or device, and to make recom-
mendations concerning electrical rules and regulations for the issuance
of licenses to conduct such business, the examination of applicants therefor,
the issuance of permits for such work, the inspection of such work, and
such other regulations as they may from time to time find necessary and
proper in order to supervise and control the conduct of the electrical
business in the public interest, and in order to safeguard the public health,
safety, morals and general welfare; provided that such regulations shall
contain proper standards for the exercise of discretion and shall operate
uniformly. The Board of Electrical Examiners shall examine applicants
and qualify those applicants entitled to receive a license and may impose
reasonable charges and fees for Licenses, all in accordance with this Act.
The Executive, at his discretion, or the Council by resolution, may provide
for reference to the Board, for review and recommendation, any matter
related to the Board's functions and duties.
No person, firm or corporation shall engage in the electrical business,
or electrical services related thereto or otherwise pursue the business of
installing, altering, repairing, maintaining- or erecting of any kind of
electrical wiring, conduits, raceways, machinery, appliances, motors,
transformers, fixtures, electrical display signs, radios, televisions, televi-
sion antennas, electronic devices, electrically operated heating equipment,
electrically operated air conditioning and refrigeration, electrically oper-
ated elevators, cranes, hoists, and pumps, or any other electrically operated
apparatus or device in, or about any premises in Howard County, without
first having obtained a license, as required by, or having otherwise complied
with the provisions of this Act.
(a) The following exceptions to the aforegoing provisions shall