2806 Municipal Charters
1969 Legislative Session, Legislative Day No. 21
Council Bill No. 32
An Act to repeal Section 120A of the Code of Public Local Laws of
Howard County and to enact Sections 3.300 through 3.312 of the
Howard County Code providing for the establishment of a Board of
Electrical Examiners to examine and license those engaged in the
electrical business in Howard County, providing for exceptions from
the authority of the Board, the number of members and the manner
of their appointment, their duties, rules for the transaction of their
business, recommendations to the County Executive and the County
Council concerning the conduct of the electrical business in Howard
County; establishing rules and regulations for the electrical industry
in general, and further to provide for records and penalties for
violations of the law and also containing a severability clause.
Whereas, Section 120A of the Code of Public Local Laws of Howard
County, empowered the County to exercise general supervision and control
over the Electrical Business in said County; to make regulations to super-
vise such business and to appoint an Electrical Administrative Board to
administer and enforce such regulations; and
Whereas, there presently exists an Electrical Administrative Board
in Howard County; and
Whereas, the County Council desires to provide for a similar Board
under the authority of the Charter adopted by the voters of Howard County
on November 5, 1969; and
Whereas, it is felt that an Electrical Examiners Board is necessary
to protect the public welfare and safety and to promote uniform regula-
tions concerning the electrical business in Howard County.
HOWARD COUNTY, MARYLAND, That Section 120A of the Code of
Public Local Laws of Howard County be and is hereby repealed.
CIL OF HOWARD COUNTY, MARYLAND, That Sections 3.300, 3.301,
3.302, 3.303, 3.304, 3.305, 3.306, 3.307, 3.308, 3.309, 3.310, 3.311 and 3,312
of the Howard County Code, title "Buildings", subtitle "Electrical Busi-
ness" be adopted to read as follows:
3.300—Composition of Board
The Board of Electrical Examiners shall consist of five members.
Board members shall be appointed by the Executive, subject to confirmation
by the Council and shall serve for overlapping terms of five years from
the first day of May of the year of their appointments, or until their
successors are appointed. Vacancies shall be filled in the same manner as
the original appointment and for the unexpired term. Members of the
Board shall receive no compensation for their services except reasonable
and necessary expenses as may be provided in the budget. The Board shall
annually select a Chairman and a Vice-Chairman, and such other officers
as the Board may determine to be necessary, from its membership. The
County Executive shall designate an Executive Secretary to the Board.
The Executive Secretary shall attend all meetings of the Board. Two mem-
bers of the Board shall either be licensed under the Electrical Regulations
of Howard County, or shall be representatives of an electrical inspection