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Session Laws, 1970
Volume 695, Page 1204   View pdf image
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1204                             Laws of Maryland                       Ch. 526

(b)    If any municipality which is authorized by law to con-
struct or maintain streets or roads shall request the State Roads
Commission in writing not later than December 31 prior to the
beginning of any fiscal year for its share of the funds distributable
under this section, the State Roads Commission during such fiscal
year shall allocate for the county or such municipality a portion
of the share as first determined in subsection (a) hereof of the
county within which the municipality lies. Such portion shall be
determined (1) by applying to one half of the county share of
highway user revenues provided under this section the ratio which
the total mileage of county roads in the municipality bears to the
total mileage of county roads in such county and then allocating
the resulting portion to the municipality and (2) by initially ap-
plying to one half of the county share of highway user revenues
provided under this section the ratio which the motor vehicle regis-
trations within the municipality bears to the total number of motor
vehicle registrations within such county, and then allocating one
half of the resulting portion to the municipality.

The portion so allocated shall be the municipality's share for the
purpose of this section. In the distribution of the shares under
the mileage formula pursuant to this subsection, the special improve-
ment districts in Prince George's County in existence on January,
1953, shall be treated as municipalities, but the payments made
hereunder shall be retained by the County Commissioners of said
county as credits to said districts, and shall be applied toward the
cost of maintenance of such streets and roads in the said districts
so long as it has an indebtedness.

(c)    The mileage proportions required by subsection (a) and,
when applicable by subsection (b) of this section shall be computed
by the State Roads Commission as of June 30, 1947, for the fiscal
year beginning July 1, 1947, and recomputed as of December 1, 1947,
for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1948, and as of December 1
of each year thereafter for each next succeeding fiscal year. To
assist the Commission in making such computations, the county
commissioners of the respective counties and the appropriate offi-
cials of such municipalities as may have requested a share under
said subsection (b), shall not later than December 31, 1948 and
not later than each December 31 thereafter, make a report to the
Commission, in the form required by it, showing the mileage added
to or removed from the county roads system within such county
or municipality during the twelve months period ending on the
preceding December 1.

(c-1) The motor vehicle registration ratios required by subsec-
tions (a) and (b) of this section shall be determined by the State
Roads Commission for each license year beginning with the license
year immediately preceding July 1, 1968 in the following manner:

(1)    The total number of motor vehicle registration licenses is-
sued by the Department of Motor Vehicles (exclusive of all dealer
licenses, temporary 30-day tags, duplicate tags, and amateur radio
tags) shall be determined for each license year and for each
county and Baltimore City according to the addresses of the own-
ers of such vehicles.

(2)    The ratio of motor vehicle registration licenses shall be
determined for each county and shall be the ratio that the total


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Session Laws, 1970
Volume 695, Page 1204   View pdf image
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