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Session Laws, 1970
Volume 695, Page 1205   View pdf image
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Marvin Mandel, Governor                        1205

number of motor vehicle registrations having owners addresses
within such county bears to the total motor vehicle registrations
within all counties.

(3) The ratio of motor vehicle registration licenses for each
municipality or special taxing area shall be determined for such
municipality or special taxing area and shall be the ratio that the
total number of motor vehicle registrations within such munici-
pality or special taxing area bears to the total motor vehicle regis-
trations within such county.

To enable the Commission to make such computations, the De-
partment of Motor Vehicles and the local governing bodies
of each county shall furnish the Commission such data as it may

(d)    The State Treasurer, upon warrants of the Comptroller,
shall pay over each county's share to or on the order of the proper
officials thereof as designated by local law, or, in the absence of
such designation, to the county commissioners, at monthly inter-
vals or at such other appropriate times as may be reasonably re-
quested, or, in the case of a county whose road construction, re-
construction or maintenance is performed by the State Roads Com-
mission, the State Treasurer shall credit the county's share to the
account of the State Roads Commission to be expended upon war-
rants of the Comptroller. Monies so paid or credited shall be used
and expended by such county officials or by the State Roads Com-
mission, as the case may be, as follows:

(1)    So much thereof as may be necessary shall be applied to
debt service with respect to outstanding bonds or other evidences
of debt heretofore issued by such county or any municipality within
that county for construction, reconstruction or maintenance of roads
or streets to the extent that gasoline tax revenues have heretofore
been lawfully dedicated, pledged or otherwise committed to such
debt service; it being the intent thereof that any such dedication,
pledge or commitment remain unimpaired and continue as a charge
against the county's share of the five cent gasoline tax to the same
extent as it constituted a charge against any gasoline tax revenues
under prior laws. Without limitation of the generality of the fore-
going, the amounts heretofore required to be paid each year under
Chapter 317 of the Acts of 1935 shall be deemed to be commit-
ments hereunder so long as any of the bonds therein referred to
are outstanding.

(2)    The remainder of the county's share shall be used solely
for the construction, or maintenance of county roads, or for debt
service with respect to bonds or other evidences of debt hereafter
lawfully issued for such construction, reconstruction, or maintenance
by the county or by a municipality within the county which is not
receiving its own share under subsection (e) of this section.

(e)    The State Treasurer, upon warrants of the Comptroller,
shall pay over the share of each municipality which has made a
request therefor under subsection (b) hereof, at monthly inter-
vals or at such other appropriate times as may be reasonably re-
quested, as follows:

(1) First, to the county commissioners of the county within
which the municipality lies, sufficient amounts to reimburse the


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Session Laws, 1970
Volume 695, Page 1205   View pdf image
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