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Session Laws, 1970
Volume 695, Page 1203   View pdf image
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Marvin Mandel, Governor                        1203

of Baltimore for the construction, reconstruction or maintenance of
streets and highways in the City of Baltimore, and for other high-
way activities of such City including the cost of lighting of the
highways and the cost of providing storm water drainage, and for
no other purposes [, except as provided in Section 33A of this
article. Any interest earned by the mayor and city council of Bal-
timore on the monies paid to it under Section 38A of this article
shall not be used for any purposes other than those set forth herein].
The City of Baltimore shall annually furnish to the Governor and
to the State Roads Commission not later than January 1 of each
year an accounting report showing the actual costs of the preced-
ing fiscal year and the expenditure budget of the current fiscal year
designed to allow an accurate identification of those portions of the
cost of the Baltimore City police department which are directly
attributable to police traffic activities and of the cost of other high-
way related activities enumerated herein.

Provided, however, that no such distribution shall be made to
said mayor and city council of Baltimore unless it shall have levied,
in its current fiscal year, taxes sufficient to collect a minimum of
one dollar per capita in revenue and unless it shall have certified
a copy of said levy to the State Comptroller; and provided further,
that any monies, otherwise distributable under this section, which
shall not be distributed at the close of the fiscal year of the mayor
and city council of Baltimore because of failure of the mayor and
city council to make such levy or certification, shall revert to the
[Gasoline Tax Fund, to be paid over separately to the State Roads
Commission, for use by the Commission with the other monies
received from the Gasoline Tax Fund] Transportation Trust Fund.

Per capita revenue shall be computed for purposes of this section
by using the population figures furnished by the latest federal census
or by an official local census, whichever is latest.


[Twenty] Seventeen and one-half percent of the highway user
revenues as defined in Section 38A of this article during any fiscal
year, shall be used for the benefit of the counties and municipalities
of the State (other than Baltimore City) as follows:

(a) It is the legislative intent that the distribution of highway
user revenues shall hereafter be distributed one half on the linear
road mileage basis and one half on the motor vehicle registration
basis. In order to accomplish this, the State Roads Commission shall
allocate for the account of each county a sum determined by (1)
applying the ratio which the total mileage of county roads in such
roads in such county bears to the total mileage of county roads in
all of the counties to one half of the highway user revenues
provided under this section, and (2) applying the ratio which the
total number of motor vehicle registration licenses within such
county bears to the total number of motor vehicle registration
licenses in all the counties to one half of the highway user revenues
provided under this section, and (3) then adding the two sums

From the shares so determined, the State Roads Commission shall
deduct the amount, if any, allocated to a municipality under the
next succeeding subsection (b) hereof. The resulting shares shall
constitute the county's share for the purposes of this section.


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Session Laws, 1970
Volume 695, Page 1203   View pdf image
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