1142 Laws of Maryland Ch. 525
(b) The State Roads Commission Construction and Maintenance
Fund created under the provisions of Section 38A of this article shall
be expended by the Commission for the following purposes: (1) to
reimburse the "Right-of-Way Revolving Fund" for acquisition of
rights-of-way for future State highway projects and related State
Police post sites; (2) to pay the costs of completing any program,
project, or expenditure heretofore approved by the General Assembly
but not completed on or before July 1, 1968; (3) to provide, when
necessary, matching funds to pay the State's share of the cost of
highway projects partially financed by federal funds; (4) to pay the
cost for maintenance and operation of the primary and secondary
highway system of the State. Beginning with the 1969 budget, and
annually thereafter, the Commission shall provide therein the antic-
ipated expense of the maintenance and operation of the State highway
system, the cost of acquiring or constructing capital operating prop-
erties, and the cost of such other maintenance programs as the
Commission may approve; (5) the Commission is also authorized
to expend from such fund, during any fiscal year, an amount not to
exceed the sum of two million five hundred thousand dollars
($2,500,000.00) to pay the cost of projects determined by the Com-
mission to be "emergency projects" as such term is hereinafter
defined; (6) the Commission is further authorized to expend annually
a sum not to exceed 15% of its total share of highway users funds to
finance a "supplemental highway program" as such term is herein-
after defined. The Commission's annual budget shall provide the
amount of money anticipated to be spent under the supplemental
highway program and the area of construction, reconstruction or
improvement to be accomplished. The budget shall contain the
anticipated amount to be expended for the several areas in the
supplemental highway program; however, the amount to be spent for
such individual budgeted areas may, upon the approval of the Com-
mission and with the concurrence of the Governor, be increased or
diminished provided the total of the supplemental highway program
as budgeted is not increased; (7) the Commission is further au-
thorized to expend such sum as is approved in the budget for con-
struction and reconstruction projects enumerated in each first year
program under the Commission's continuing five-year construction
program. (8) In order to accomplish the purposes of this Act and to
effect the transition herein required, authority is hereby granted
to the respective agencies with the approval of the Governor to
amend the 1969 State budget to conform with the provisions herein
authorized. Copies of such budget amendments shall be filed with the
Department of Legislative Reference, the State Fiscal Research
Bureau and the Department of Budget and Procurement.
(a) There is hereby established a fund, to be known as the
"Right-of-Way Revolving Fund," which shall be funded in the
manner hereinafter set forth in subsection (b) hereof. From said
Right-of-Way Revolving Fund, the State Roads Commission is hereby
authorized to expend not more than five million dollars
($5,000,000.00) annually to pay the cost of the acquisition of rights-
of-way for State highway system future projects scheduled for con-
struction or reconstruction not more than five years subsequent to the