Burns, Curran, Hergenroeder, Kent, Kircher, McQuade, Mooney, O'Brien, Abramson,
Brailey, Dixon, Douglass, Epstein, Lee, Eandolph, Abrams, Cardin, Friedman, Eesnick,
Sklar, Spector, Waxter, Avara, Baumann, Weisengoff, Freeberger, Murphy, Eut-
kowski, Wyatt, Donaldson, Grumbacher, Hoffman, Wright, Clark, Cronin, Lady,
McInerney, Scott, Whalen, Becker, Bell, Blondes, Cook, Docter, Maurer, Zander,
Aitken, Wiser, Evans, Reed, Sloan, Williams, Matthews, Yingling, Burgess, Warfield,
Laws, Long, Aiken. Total—142
The Speaker announced the veto was sustained.
Annapolis, Md., May 28, 1969.
Honorable Thomas Hunter Lowe
Speaker of the House of Delegates
State House
Annapolis, Maryland
Dear Mr. Speaker:
In accordance with Article II, Section 17, of the Maryland Consti-
tution, I have today vetoed House Bill 725 and am returning it to you.
This Bill would require the Washington Suburban Transit Commis-
sion to submit to the governing bodies of Prince George's and Montgomery
Counties a six-year capital improvements program.
The Bill was originally supported by the Washington Suburban
Transit Commission. However, after an examination by the Commission's
counsel and by the counsel for the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit
Authority, the Commission has concluded that the Bill would have an
adverse effect upon the ability of the Washington Metropolitan Area
Transit Authority to sell its revenue bonds. For this reason, the Wash-
ington Suburban Transit Commission, Delegate Blondes who is a co-
sponsor of the Bill, and other members of the General Assembly from
Montgomery and Prince George's Counties, have all requested that I veto
the Bill. I am complying with these requests.
/s/ Marvin Mandel,
Read and journalized.
Vetoed by the Governor—May 28, 1969
House Bill No. 725—By Delegates Blondes and Whalen:
An Act to add a new subsection 18A to Chapter 870, Laws of Mary-
land, 1965, as amended, title "Washington Suburban Transit District,"
being also a new subsection 72-18A, Montgomery County Code (1965
Edition), and a new subsection 83A-18A, Code of Public Local Laws of
Prince George's County (1963 Edition and 1967 Supplement), title "Six-
year Programs," to establish procedures for the submission by the Wash-
ington Suburban Transit Commission to respective county governing
bodies for their review and approval of six-year capital improvement