MARVIN MANDEL, Governor 657
cally revise the comprehensive mental health plan for mental health
services, which plan includes: (1) an inventory of mental health
resources in the State; (2) a statement of the needs of the various
areas for services [taking into consideration existing resources and
the relative fiscal capacity of the various areas,] and (3) an indica-
tion of the priorities of the different services needed.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take effect
July 1, 1969.
Approved April 23, 1969.
(Senate Bill 43)
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact with amendments Sections 6(b) and
6(c) and 8(c) (2) AND 8(C) (3) (ii) of Article 95A of the Anno-
tated Code of Maryland (1964 Replacement Volume,) title "Un-
employment Insurance Law," subtitles "Benefits" and "Contri-
butions" respectively, and to repeal Section 8 (c) (4) of said
Article and title of said Code and to enact a new Section 8(c)
(4) in lieu thereof, to define "gross misconduct," and to amend
the possible disqualifications for unemployment benefit for mis-
conduct, to repeal the adjustment percentage charge to employers,
AND to enact a minimum employer's contribution basic rate, and
to allow employers to contribute to the unemployment insurance
fund for the purpose of cancelling charged benefits, all being
part of the Unemployment Insurance Laws.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Sections 6(b) and 6(c) and 8(c) (2) AND 8(C) (3) (ii) of
Article 95A of the Annotated Code of Maryland, (1964 Replacement
Volume), title "Unemployment Insurance Law," subtitles "Benefits"
and "Contributions," respectively, be and they are hereby repealed
and re-enacted with amendments; that Section 8(c) (4) of said
Article and title of said Code, be and it is hereby repealed, and that
a new Section 8(c) (4) be and it is hereby enacted in lieu thereof, and
all to read as follows:
6. An individual shall be disqualified for benefits—
(b) For any week in which his unemployment is due to his hav-
ing been discharged for gross misconduct connected with his work,
if so found by the Executive Director. Such disqualification shall
continue until such individual has become re-employed and has
earnings therein equal to at least ten (10) times his weekly benefit
amount. For the purposes of this Article, the term "gross miscon-
duct" shall include conduct of an employee which is (1) a deliberate
and willful disregard of standards of behavior, which his employer
has a right to expect, showing a gross indifference to the employer's
interest, or (2) a series of repeated violations of employment rules
proving that the employee has regularly and wantonly disregarded
his obligations. Misconduct not falling within this definition shall
not be considered gross misconduct.