Whereas the Mayor and Council have caused to be made a verification
of the signatures upon said Petition and have ascertained that the persons
signing the Petition represent at least twenty-five per cent (25%) of the
persons who reside in the area to be annexed and who are registered
voters in county elections in the precinct in which the territory to be
annexed is located, and the owners of at least twenty-five per cent (25%)
of the assessed valuation of the real property located in the area to be
IT IS RESOLVED, THEREFORE, by the Mayor and Council of the
City of Taneytown that the following parcel of land shall be annexed to
the City of Taneytown and be and become a part thereof:
Beginning at a point at the intersection of the center line of Maryland
Route #97 and the west marginal line of Fairground Avenue, said point
being at the end of 267 feet on the fifth or North 38 degrees East 597
foot line of the existing corporate boundary according to the survey of the
magnetic bearings and surface measurements thereof taken on January
25, 1947, and running thence with the center line of said Maryland Route
1. South 52 degrees East 665.0 feet to a point; thence leaving said
road and running with the division line between Ellsworth Feeser and
William Poole
2. South 38 degrees West 230.0 feet to a point in the north marginal
line of a proposed 40 foot wide street; thence with said street
3. North 52 degrees West 665.0 feet to a point in the west marginal
line of Fairground Avenue, said point being in and 37.0 feet from the
beginning of the fifth or North 38 degrees East 597 foot line of the
existing corporate boundaries; thence with said fifth line
4. North 38 degrees East 230.0 feet to the place of beginning, con-
taining 3.51 acres of land, more or less.
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that from and after the effective
date of this Resolution all persons residing in the area to be annexed, and
the property therein, shall be and become residents of and property within
the City of Taneytown and subject to the provisions of the Charter of the
City of Taneytown and any amendments thereto.
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution shall be-
come effective on the forth-sixth day following its final enactment.
INTRODUCED before the Mayor and City Council this 7th day of
October, 1968.
/s/ Henry I. Reindollar, Jr., Clerk
ENACTED this 25th day of November, 1968.
/s/ Henry I. Reindollar, Jr., Clerk.
APPROVED this 25th day of November, 1968.
/s/ Neal W. Powell, Mayor.