Whereas, the Mayor and City Council of Gaithersburg have received
a Petition consenting to the proposed enlargement of the corporate
boundaries of the City of Gaithersburg, so as to include an area encom-
passing 133 acres of land located to the northwest of the present corporate
boundaries and adjacent thereto and extending along Maryland Route 355
and Watkins Mill Road.
Whereas, the signatures of the said Petition of Consent have been
verified and it has been ascertained that the persons signing said Petition
are owners of not less than twenty-five percentum (25%) of the assessed
valuation of the real property located in the area to be annexed and
represent at least twenty-five percentum (25%) of the persons who reside
in the area to be annexed and who are registered as voters in County
Whereas, from the provisions of Section 19(b), of Article 23(a) of
the Annotated Code of Maryland, 1957 Edition, as amended, it is mandatory
that the following resolution be introduced.
Section 1. BE IT RESOLVED, by the Mayor and City Council of
Gaithersburg, that a new section to the Charter of the City of Gaithers-
burg, be added. Said new section to be known as Section ff to follow
immediately after section ee thereof to provide for the enlargement of
the corporate boundaries of the City of Gaithersburg, by including the
following area, which is added to the City of Gaithersburg.
Beginning for the same at the most northerly point of the present
corporate limit line on Watkins Mill Road; thence running in a southerly
direction along said road, and boundary on the said existing corporate
limit line.
1. Southerly 3,600 feet more or less to a point on the south side of
Maryland Route 355; thence leaving said corporate limit line and running
with the south side of said Route 355
2. Northwesterly 2,150 feet more or less; thence running across said
Route 355 so as to cut across Potomac Electric Power Company trans-
mission line
3. N 39° 54' 15" E—180 feet more or less to the centerline Station
819+72.75 of said transmission line; thence
4. N 39° 54' 15" E—241.58 feet to a point on the north side of trans-
mission line; thence running with the north side of said transmission line
5. N 63° 54' 55" E—250 feet more or less to a point on the 27th or
N 11° 30' 05" E—1411.5 foot line of Liber 737 at Folio 306, recorded
among the aforesaid Land Records; thence running with the boundary of
said Liber and Folio the following eight courses and distances:
6. N 11° 30' 05"—E—1385 feet more or less; thence
7. S 89° 56' 00" E—622.9 feet; thence
8. S 69° 46' 30" E—376.83 feet, thence
9. S 79° 39' 30" E—222.5 feet; thence
10. N 56° 40' 10" E—128.3 feet; thence
11. N 36° 08' 25" E—805.2 feet; thence
12. S 57° 36' 00" E—195.9 feet; thence
13. S 55° 53' 40" E—500 feet to a point on the east side of Watkins
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