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Session Laws, 1969
Volume 692, Page 1292   View pdf image
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1292                            LAWS OF MARYLAND                     [CH. 555

several candidates for the federal and State offices named in said
statements whose candidacy was filed with the [Secretary of State]
State Administrative Board of Election Laws. The Board of State
Canvassers shall thereupon determine and declare what persons
have been, by the greatest number of votes, elected to such offices,
and each of them; they shall make and subscribe on a proper state-
ment a certificate of such determination, and shall deliver the same
to the [Secretary of State} said Administrative Board.

(d)    Dissents and protests.—If any of the canvassers shall dis-
sent from the decision of the Board of State Canvassers, he shall
state in writing, the reason for such dissent. If any of the acts or
proceedings of the Board of State Canvassers shall appear to any
one of the canvassers to be irregular and illegal, such canvasser shall
protest the same, in writing, setting forth distinctly the grounds
of his protest; the canvasser so dissenting or protesting shall deliver
his dissent or protest, signed with his proper name, to the [Secre-
tary of State, who] said State Administrative Board, which shall
file the same in [his] its office. [He] The said Administrative
shall also keep on file in [his] its office the copies of the
statements made by the boards of city and county canvassers.

(e)    Adjournments.—The Board of State Canvassers shall have
power to adjourn, from day to day, during a period not exceeding
five days.


(a)    Duties of [Secretary of State] State Administrative Board
of Election Laws.
—The [Secretary of State] State Administrative
Board of Election Laws
shall record in [his] its office, in a book kept
[by him] for that purpose, each certified statement and determina-
tion which shall be delivered to [him] it by the Board of State
Canvassers, and every dissent or protest which shall have been
delivered [to him] by a canvasser. [He] The said Administrative
shall, without delay, transmit a copy under seal of [his] its
office of such certified determination to each person thereby declared
to be elected, and like copy to the Governor; and [he] shall cause
a copy of such certified statement and determinations to be
published in one newspaper in the City of Annapolis and one in the
City of Baltimore.

(b)    Governor to issue commissions.—In conformity with the
statements and determinations made as aforesaid by the Board of
State Canvassers, the Governor shall issue commissions to the
different persons elected, as now provided by the Constitution and
laws of this State.

(c)    Certificates for United States Senators and members of House
of Representatives.—In addition, the [Secretary of State] said
Administrative Board
shall likewise without delay transmit a copy
under seal of [his] its