MARVIN MANDEL, Governor 1267
(House Bill 1393)
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact, with amendments, Sections 298 (a)
and (b) and 299(a) and (b) of the Charter and Code of Public
Local Laws of Baltimore City (1949 Edition, being Article 4 of
the Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland), title "Baltimore City,"
subtitle "Criers, Bailiffs, Watchmen and Stenographers," as last
amended by Chapter 334 of the Acts of 1968; to increase the retire-
ment salaries of court reporters.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Sections 298 (a) and (b) and 299 (a) and (b) of the Charter
and Code of Public Local Laws of Baltimore City (1949 Edition,
being Article 4 of the Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland), title
"Baltimore City," subtitle "Criers, Bailiffs, Watchmen and Stenog-
raphers," as last amended by Chapter 334 of the Acts of 1968, be
and they are hereby repealed and re-enacted, with amendments, to
read as follows:
(a) Any official court reporter of the Supreme Bench appointed
prior to January 1, 1956, including any reporter assigned to the
grand jury, who has served twenty-five preceding consecutive years
or has attained the age of seventy years while so employed, shall
be entitled to retirement with a salary of [$4,000] $6,000 per annum;
provided, however, such retirement shall be mandatory at age sev-
enty years.
(b) Every court reporter receiving a retirement salary on the
effective date of this Act, who has retired upon attainment of sixty
or more years of age, and the completion of twenty-five consecutive
years of service, shall be entitled to a retirement salary of [$4,000]
$6,000 per annum.
(a) Every official court reporter who, on the effective date of
this Act is receiving a retirement salary under the provisions of
this subtitle by reason of physical or mental incapacity to perform
the duties of his position, shall thereafter be entitled to a retire-
ment salary of [$4,000] $6,000 per annum when eligible therefor
under paragraph (c) of this Section.
(b) Any official court reporter appointed prior to January 1,
1956, who, having served less than twenty-five preceding consecu-
tive years and being under seventy years of age, shall become
physically and mentally incapable of performing the duties of that
position by reason of ailments or accidents not resulting from his
own misconduct, shall be entitled during the period of such in-
capacity to a retirement salary of [$4,000] $6,000 per annum when
eligible therefor under paragraph (c) of this Section.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take effect
July 1, 1969.
Approved May 2, 1969.