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Session Laws, 1969
Volume 692, Page 1193   View pdf image
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MARVIN MANDEL, Governor                      1195

(c)  If the gift is made by a person designated in Section 149-J
(b) of this subtitle, it shall be by [written or telegraphic consent]
a document signed by him or by his telegraphic, recorded telephonic
or other recorded message.

(d)  A gift of all or part of a body authorizes any examination of
the body, or any other procedure, necessary to assure medical ac-
ceptability of the gift for the purposes intended.

(e)   The rights of the donee created by the gift are paramount to
the rights of others except as provided by Section 149-O (c).


(c) Any licensed person operating a bank or storage facility for
blood, arteries, eyes, pituitaries, or other human parts; for use in
medical education, research, therapy, or transplantation to


(b) Gift by document—A Gift of all or part of the body for pur-
poses of this subtitle may also be made by document other than a
will. The document must be signed by the donor in the presence of
two witnesses, who, in turn, shall sign the document in the donor's
presence. If the donor cannot sign in person, the document may be
signed for him, at his direction and in his presence, and in the
presence of two witnesses, who, in turn, shall sign the document in
the donor's presence. Delivery of the document or gift during the
donor's lifetime is not necessary to make the gift valid. The docu-
ment may consist of a properly executed card carried on the donor's
person or in his effects. The document and/or card [shall] may con-
form substantially to the following form:

["Certificate of Authorization for Postmortem Study and
Examination or Removal of Tissues or Organs

I, the undersigned, of..........................................19............, desiring

that made available after my demise for

A.    Any licensed hospital, surgeon or physician; for medical edu-
cation, research, advancement of medical science, therapy or trans-
plantation to individuals;

B.    Any accredited medical school, college or university engaged
in medical education or research; for therapy, educational, research
or medical science purposes;

C.    Any person operating a bank or storage facility for blood,
arteries, eyes, pituitaries, or other human parts, for use in medical
education, research, therapy or transplantation to individuals;

D.    The donee specified below, for therapy or transplantation

needed by him or her; do hereby donate my............................................................for

said purpose to..........................................................................................................................................

(Name of Person)


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Session Laws, 1969
Volume 692, Page 1193   View pdf image
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