Volume 692, Page 1194 View pdf image |
1194 LAWS OF MARYLAND [CH. 490 I hereby authorize a licensed physician or surgeon, or the State Anatomy Board to remove and preserve for use my.............................................. for said purpose. Witnessed this..................day of...........................................................,19............ ............................................................................ (Donor) ......(Name and Address) (Address) ............(Name and Address) (Telephone) The gift becomes effective immediately after the death of the donor.] ANATOMICAL GIFT BY A LIVING DONOR 1. I give: □ my body; □ any needed organs or parts; 2. To the following person , AGENCY (or institution): □ any 8. For the following purposes: □ any purpose authorized by law; □ transplantation; □ therapy; □ medical research and education. Dated.......................................................... City and State................----------------- Signed by the Donor in the presence of the following ...................................................-------------------- who sign as witnesses: Signature of Donor Witness Address of Donor Witness 149-O. (b) Civil liability for unknowingly violating subtitle.—A person SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take effect Approved May 2, 1969.
Volume 692, Page 1194 View pdf image |
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