(b) Control of [game wardens and] employees of [Commis-
sion] Department.—The Director shall have charge of, direct, super-
vise, and control all [game wardens, deputy game wardens and]
employees of the [Commission] Department.
(c) Printing of annual report; bulletins, literature, etc.—The
Director shall have authority to have printed the annual report of
the Commission, and such bulletins, literature, posters, licenses and
other printing as may be necessary to the work of the Department
and Commission [,] .[including the publication now known as the
"Maryland Conservationist."]
(d) Duty of Commissioners, Director and [Wardens] Wildlife
Officers to prosecute unlawful possession and enforce certain laws.—
It shall be the duty of the Commissioners, the Director, [game war-
dens and deputy game wardens] and Wildlife Officers to prosecute
all persons and corporations having in their possession any game or
inland fish contrary to the laws of this State. It shall be their duty
to see that the game and fish laws are enforced, and that the provi-
sions of Sections 21, 154, and 579 of Article 27 of this Code, as
amended from time to time, be enforced.
116. [Wardens and deputies] Wildlife Officers and other employees
—In general.
[(a) Deputies.—The Director, with the consent of the Com-
mission, shall have the power to appoint deputy game wardens to
assist him in more efficiently enforcing the game and inland fish laws
of this State, and he may issue a commission signed by him to such
persons as he may designate to act as nonsalaried deputy game war-
dens to enforce said laws. Such persons may be appointed for the
whole State or such county or counties, city or cities, as the Director
may designate. Such deputy game wardens shall not receive a salary
from the State, county or counties, or cities, but shall be paid such
compensation out of the State Game Protection Fund as the Director
may determine, with the consent of the Commission.]
[(b) Wardens] (a) Wildlife Officers and other employees.
The Director is authorized, with the consent of the Commission, to
appoint [salaried game wardens who shall be known as district
game wardens, regional game wardens (said regional wardens shall
supervise the district game wardens in their respective regions),
and] Wildlife Officers, wildlife technicians, biologists, scientists, or
other employees, each of these appointees to be paid such compensa-
tion as the Commission and Director may determine and allowed
necessary traveling expenses and other expenses incurred by him in
the discharge of his official duties subject to such regulations and
limitations as the Director may from time to time see fit to establish,
and all appointments shall be made under the merit system in ac-
cordance with Article 64A of the Code.
(b) The Director shall have the power to commission or depu-
tize department employees other than Wildlife Officers of the Depart-
ment of Game and Inland Fish, who shall be known as Deputy
Wildlife Officers, to assist him in more efficiently enforcing the game
and inland fish laws of this State.
(c) Performance of duties.—All employees appointed under this
section shall perform such duties as the Director may designate.