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Session Laws, 1968
Volume 683, Page 43   View pdf image
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SPIRO T. AGNEW, Governor                         43

SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take effect
July 1, 1968.

Approved March 22, 1968.

(House Bill 150)

AN ACT to repeal and re-enact, with amendments, Sections 98(a),
102 and 120 of Article 52 of the Annotated Code of Maryland
(1964 Replacement Volume and 1967 Supplement), title "Justices
of the Peace," subtitle "Trial Magistrates System," amending the
laws concerning the Justices of the Peace in order to correct er-
roneous wording and references therein.

Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Sections 98(a), 102 and 120 of Article 52 of the Annotated
Code of Maryland (1964 Replacement Volume and 1967 Supplement),
title "Justices of the Peace," subtitle "Trial Magistrates System,"
be and they are hereby repealed and re-enacted, with amendments,
to read as follows:


(a) As of June 15, 1955, the County Council for Montgomery
County shall appoint three judges of the People's Court of Mont-
gomery County who shall meet the qualifications provided in this
article and who shall serve until the first day of May in the year
1963 or until their successors are appointed and qualified. As of the
first day of May, 1963, and as of the first day of May in every tenth
year thereafter, the County Council of Montgomery County shall
appoint three judges of the People's Court of Montgomery County to
fill the positions then expiring. As of January 1, 1962, the County
Council for Montgomery County shall appoint an additional full-
time judge of the People's Court of Montgomery County who shall
meet the qualifications provided in this article and who shall serve
until the first day of January, 1970, or until his successor is ap-
pointed and qualified. As of the first day of January, 1970, and as
of the first day of January in every tenth year thereafter, the
County Council of Montgomery County shall appoint one judge of
the People's Court of Montgomery County to fill the position then
expiring. As of June 1, 1967, the County Council shall appoint an
additional full-time judge of the People's Court of Montgomery
County who shall meet the qualifications provided in this article and
who shall serve until June 1, 1977, or until his successor is ap-
pointed and qualified. As of June 1, 1977, and as of the first day
of June in every tenth year thereafter, the County Council shall ap-
point one judge of the People's Court of Montgomery County to fill
the position then expiring. Two of such judges shall be designated
as the People's Court judges for juvenile causes and the senior, in
time of service, of the said two judges shall be the administrative
officer of the People's Court for juvenile causes in Montgomery
County; one of the judges of the People's Court handling criminal,
civil, and traffic cases shall be designated as chief judge and ad-


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Session Laws, 1968
Volume 683, Page 43   View pdf image
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