ministrative officer for the said court, the committing magistrates
and other personnel. Said judge so designated as chief judge shall
be and continue as chief judge and administrative officer for said
court until his term expires and his successor is appointed and
qualifies, unless said chief judge is removed from office under the
provisions of Section 98 [(e)] (f) of this article in which event
the County Council shall designate a successor chief judge.
In addition to the justices of the peace authorized to be appointed
under the provisions of Sections 100 and 108 of this subtitle, the
Governor shall appoint one justice of the peace for Cecil County
who shall act as a committing magistrate. He shall preside in the
office of the Sheriff every night from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m. He shall have,
possess and exercise all the civil and criminal jurisdiction conferred
upon other justices of the peace in Cecil County, except that he
shall have no jurisdiction to try cases. In addition, he shall have
power to take recognizance for the appearance of any accused be-
fore the trial magistrate and to act [an] as turnkey during the
hours which he is on duty. He shall receive such compensation as shall
be prescribed by the County Commissioners of Cecil County. From
and after June 1, 1967 committing magistrates for Cecil County
shall be appointed pursuant to the local laws thereof and shall have
the authority and duties and receive compensation as specified in
such local laws.
Every trial magistrate, and judge and substitute judge of the
people's court of Anne Arundel, Cecil, Dorchester, Montgomery and
Prince George's counties, before entering upon his official duties,
shall give to the State of Maryland and file with the clerk of the
circuit court for the county, a good and sufficient bond, with cor-
porate security to be approved by the county commissioners or
county council of the county for which he was appointed or in which
the court is located, or in the case of Montgomery County, with the
county manager thereof, in the penalty of five thousand dollars
($5,000.00), upon the condition expressed in each of said bonds that
the said judge or magistrate, giving it will truly and faithfully dis-
charge, execute and perform all and singular the duties and obliga-
tions of a judge or magistrate, and that he will account for and pay
over to the county commissioners or county council of the county or
to whomsoever else may be otherwise or hereafter designated by law
as the proper recipient thereof, all fees, costs, fines, penalties and
forfeitures [when] which he is bound to account for and pay over
as aforesaid, and that he will faithfully and truly account for and
pay over to the person or corporation entitled thereto all money
belonging to such person or corporation which may come into his
hands as such judge or magistrate.
Every justice of the peace other than a trial magistrate or a
substitute trial magistrate, and every clerk to a trial magistrate
(except in Anne Arundel, Cecil, Dorchester, Montgomery and Prince
George's Counties), shall, before entering upon his duties, give a
corporate bond similarly conditioned, in the amount of $1,000.
The Commissioner of Motor Vehicles may by regulation require
the several trial magistrates to give and file such additional bonds