SPIRO T. AGNEW, Governor 1609
County, including Code home rule and charter forms of govern-
ment, so as to determine the type of government that is best
suited for Talbot County and to determine the need for changes,
continuation, or abolition of existing offices, officers, and depart-
ments, and for changes required by implementation of existing law
in the event of the adoption of the Constitution proposed for rati-
fication May 14, 1968.
Whereas, the contemplated Constitution to be voted on for rati-
fication on May 14 adopts inter alia home rule government and estab-
lishes that every county shall have an instrument of government
in effect by January 6, 1971; and
Whereas, even assuming the Constitution is not ratified, it is in
the best interests of the people of Talbot County that their form of
government, including its functions and the role of its offices be
examined to see that it is adaptable and best suited to the contem-
porary economy and the way of life of the people of Talbot County.
On the other hand, in the event of ratification of the new Constitu-
tion, counties that have not adopted an instrument of government
prior to July 1, 1970, are required to use the instrument of govern-
ment as provided by the General Assembly, to become effective
January 6, 1971, and the county elections held in November, 1970,
shall be for officers provided for by that instrument of government,
either adopted or involuntary; and
Whereas, In addition thereto many offices familiar to the county
such as the office of sheriff, carrying out the duties of jailor and
police department will be abolished as well as such familiar offices
as the Orphans' Court, and Register of Wills. In order that the
services of the present officers may be continued, since they will
not be provided by the State, it is a prerogative to good government
that all phases of the county government be thoroughly examined,
investigated, and studied for the purpose of advising the Legislative
Delegation of the areas of implementation needed in the event of the
ratification of the Constitution and of advising the people of Talbot
County of that form of government which would be in their best
interests; now, therefore
Be it Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the
Delegate from Talbot County to the General Assembly, being the
only resident representative therein, is requested to appoint a study
committee of not more than fifteen persons, among whom he shall
designate a chairman. This committee is charged with the respon-
sibility of investigating, examining, and otherwise studying all
facets of local government to make recommendations not only to the
people of Talbot County in general but to the Legislative Delegation
in particular and changes or recommendations in the form of
government or in any of the offices or services which should be
added, deleted, or in any way changed. That committee is to
recommend primarily the type and form of government most suited
to the needs of the people of Talbot County considering the mores,
customs, and economy of that county, both in the light of the new
Maryland Constitution and in the possible event of its failure. The
scope and responsibility of the Committee shall be as broad as are
the services of the government of Talbot County, and it shall report