The operation, erection, handling, storage, or transportation of any
tools, machinery, equipment, supplies, materials, or apparatus, includ-
ing but not limited to antennas, antenna supports, flagpoles, and other
similar facilities, the moving of any house or other building or struc-
ture, or any part thereof, and the performing of tree trimming or
activities of like nature, under, over, by or near high-voltage lines is
hereby expressly prohibited, if at any time during the course thereof
any part of any person or object will come or be brought within ten
feet of any high-voltage lines, unless such high-voltage lines have
first been effectively guarded against dangerous accidental contact,
and appropriate protective arrangements shall have first been made
with the owner or operator of such high-voltage lines, by either:
1. The installation of physical barriers to prevent physical con-
tact with such high-voltage lines; or
2. The relocation of such high-voltage lines, either laterally or
vertically; or
3. The de-energizing of such high-voltage lines and the grounding
of same; provided, however, that nothing herein shall be construed, or
shall operate to impose upon any owner or operator of any high-volt-
age lines the duty or obligation to effect any such precautionary
measure at his or its expense or to obligate any such owner or operator
to de-energize or ground any high-voltage lines if service to the
public would thereby be substantially interfered with or if the
health, safety or welfare of the public would thereby be endangered.
When any such operation, erection, handling, storage, transporta-
tion, or moving is to be performed within ten feet of any high-voltage
lines, the person or persons responsible for performing the same shall
promptly notify the owner or operator of the high-voltage lines of the
work to be performed and such person or persons shall be responsible
for the provision, subject to any necessary agreement of the owner
or operator of the high-voltage lines, of one or more of the safety
measures required by Section 60 of this Article before proceeding
with any work within said ten feet.
Upon notification and appropriate arrangements being made by
such person or persons, and within a reasonable time thereafter under
all the circumstances involved, the owner or operator of the high-
voltage lines shall perform such acts as are reasonably necessary for
such owner or operator to perform, as set forth in and subject to the
provisions of Section 3 60 hereof, to guard against danger from acci-
dental contact.
It shall be the duty and responsibility of the owner, lessee or em-
ployer of any equipment, including but not limited to cranes, derricks,
power shovels, trimming rigs, pile drivers or similar apparatus, any
part of which may be used near any high-voltage lines, to:
A. Acquaint themselves and their employees with this law and the
rules and regulations prescribed and promulgated pursuant to Section
62 hereof, and;
B. Post and maintain in plain view of the operators of such
equipment a permanent, weather resistant warning sign, legible at