SPIRO T. AGNEW, Governor 997
5(c) and 29(c) of said Article and subtitle of the Code (1957
Edition and 1966 Supplement); and to add new Section 6(c) to
said Article and subtitle of the Code (1957 Edition), to follow
immediately after Section 6(b) thereof, changing the provisions
relating to the meetings of the Board of Dental Examiners, delet-
ing provisions relating to partial examination of students on sub-
jects completed, adding a provision relating to change of office
locations by dentists; raising annual registration fees of licensed
dentists; removing the mandatory licensing provision relating to
limited registration for practice in particular hospitals; raising
the limit for per diem allowed members of the Board; prescribing
the size of removal notices permitted by dentists; raising the pen-
alties for practicing without a license or registration, and for
advertising with respect to construction and repair of false teeth;
and generally revising the laws relating to the practice of dentistry.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Sections 3, 5(d), 6(a), 9, 12(d), 12(e), 21, 25(c), and 29(d)
of ARTICLE 32 OF the Annotated Code of Maryland (1957 Edition
and 1966 Supplement), title "Dentistry," subtitle "In General," be
and they are hereby repealed and re-enacted, with amendments; that
Sections 5(c) and 29 (c) of said Article and subtitle of the Code
(1957 Edition and 1966 Supplement), be and they are hereby re-
pealed; and that new Section 6 (c) be and it is hereby added to said
Article and subtitle of the Code (1957 Edition), to follow immedi-
ately after Section 6(b) thereof, and to read as follows:
Said Board shall choose one of its members, president, and one
secretary thereof, whose duties shall be those usually appertaining
to their respective offices, and shall adopt such rules, regulations,
or bylaws as may be necessary or expedient to assist it in its organi-
zation under this article. The secretary shall also be the legal cus-
todian of all the property, money, minutes, records, proceedings and
the seal of said Board. Said Board shall hold two regular meetings
[in the months of June and November of every year] as determined
by the Board of Dental Examiners, and special meetings as it may
deem necessary, upon call of the president or secretary thereof and
upon due notice. Meetings may be held at any time and place and
without notice, by the unanimous consent evidenced either by writ-
ing or by the presence of any member whose consent is necessary.
[(c) Students of dentistry at a recognized college of dentistry
who have completed the regularly prescribed preclinical instruction
in dental schools recognized by the Board, and who may be certified
by the dean of the college at which they are in attendance as having
satisfactorily completed certain subjects included in the examination
given by the Board, may on application be admitted by said Board to
its regular examination upon such subjects and upon passing such
examination shall be deemed to have absolved the requirements of
the Board in such subjects.]
(d) Upon application of the board of managers or executive head
of any bona fide general hospital or State hospital or sanatorium or
dental school in the State of Maryland, and upon the payment of a