fee of fifteen dollars ($15.00) the Board [shall] may issue a certifi-
cate of limited registration to any individual of good moral char-
acter who shall furnish the Board with proof entitling such person
to be examined for registration under subparagraph (a) of this
section. Such limited registration shall be for one year only and the
date of expiration shall be plainly stated on the face of the certifi-
cate of registration. Such limited registration shall entitle the said
applicant to practice and/or teach dentistry only for the said insti-
tution designated on his certificate of registration and only on bona
fide patients of said institution. Such certificate may be revoked by
the Board at any time for cause. This section includes all dentists
practicing as internes.
(a) Every person licensed by the Board to practice dentistry in
Maryland shall annually, before April 1st, be required to register
his name, license number, dental degree, school of graduation, year
of graduation, office location and telephone number, and state
whether or not he is in active practice, on a form furnished by the
Board of Dental Examiners. He shall pay a fee [of two dollars
($2.00)] not to exceed five dollars ($5.00) for such registration, and
the Board shall issue a certificate of registration which shall be kept
in the office location as noted on his certificate.
(c) Any dentist licensed to practice by this Act must notify the
Secretary of the Board of Dental Examiners in writing within 60
days of his change of office address. Dentists failing to do so will be
subject to a fine of ten dollars ($10.00).
The fees collected by the Board shall be placed in a special fund
to the credit of the Board and shall be used to defray the cost of
executing and enforcing the provisions of this article, including a
salary to the secretary as fixed by the Board and a per diem to each
member of the Board of [twenty-five] forty dollars ($40.00) for
every day he is actually employed in the discharge of his official
duties, necessary expenses of the secretary and members in the per-
formance of their duties, and such other expenses as the Board
shall deem necessary in carrying out the purposes of this article.
The secretary shall receive all moneys of the Board, and shall account
for and pay over the same to the State Comptroller who shall place
them in the special fund to the credit of the Board and any unex-
pended balance on hand at the end of each fiscal year shall be carried
forward to the credit of said fund for the following fiscal year.
(d) Removal notices may be mailed by any dentist notifying any
bona fide patient of such dentist that said dentist is removing his
offices from his present address to the address set forth on said
notice. Such notice shall not be more than [3½" x 2"] 3" x 5" 3½
INCHES X 5½ INCHES and may only contain the name, title, pres-
ent address, telephone number, office hours, and new address of the
dentist who is removing his office. If specializing, the name of the
specialty may be used.
(e) Notices may be mailed to specifically named individuals by
any dentist who is about to begin the practice of dentistry [notifying