SPIRO T. AGNEW, Governor 41
(c) The Airport Commission shall study the need and possibilities
for an airport in Harford County, the rules, regulations, and require-
ments of the Federal Aviation Commission and the State Aviation
Commission in relation to any such facility, the possibilities for ob-
taining State or federal funds for the construction and operation
of an airport, possible sites for an airport, and such other matters
as properly are related to, and fall within the scope of, the intent
and purpose of this section.
(d) From time to time, the Airport Commission shall report to
the Board of County Commissioners and to the citizens of Harford
County, the results of its studies and deliberations, together with
any summarized information it may compile and with such recom-
mendations as they may think feasible and proper for the progress
and development of aviation and airports in Harford County.
(e) Following such studies, the Board of County Commissioners
may establish and construct an airport or airports in Harford County,
under the provisions of this section. In that event, it or they shall
be operated and maintained under the control, direction, and super-
vision of the Airport Commission.
(f) For the purposes of this section, the Airport Commission,
with such funds as made available to it from time to time by the
Board of County Commissioners, may engage and contract for the
services of such assistants, consultants, and employees as deemed
necessary for the work and purpose of the Airport Commission,
The Commission, on behalf of and with the approval of the Board
of County Commissioners, may accept grants in aid, monies, and
gifts from other sources, public and private, for use in relation to
the purposes and intent of this section.
(g) The Board of County Commissioners of Harford County,
from time to time, may borrow money on the faith and credit of
Harford County for capital expenditures imposed or incurred for the
construction, reconstruction, repair, or enlargement of an airport
or airports in Harford County.
(h) The Board of County Commissioners of Harford County and
the Airport Commission of Harford County each may adopt, promul-
gate, and from time to time amend, supplement, or repeal reasonable
rules and regulations within the meaning and intent of this section
to expedite and give effect to the exercise of their respective powers
and duties under this section.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take effect
June 1, 1967.
Approved March 24, 1967.
(Senate Bill 432)
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact, with amendments, Section 194 (1)
(2) of Article 56 of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1966 Sup-
plement), title "Licenses", subtitle "Dog Licenses in the Coun-