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Session Laws, 1967
Volume 681, Page 213   View pdf image (33K)
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SPIRO T. AGNEW, Governor                          215

great need, efforts on the part of the State of Maryland, the City of
Baltimore, the wholesale food trade, the growers, and the trans-
portation industry have failed to bring about the creation of a satis-
factory consolidation of wholesale markets.

(2) The construction, operation, and maintenance of wholesale
markets, and in particular a single consolidated market for the
Greater Baltimore Region, as defined herein, would require the ex-
penditure of a large sum of money; the financial systems of the
political subdivisions of the Greater Baltimore Region are
not designed to handle projects of this type on a non-profit, self-
liquidating basis, and the best method of distributing responsibility
for this problem and of achieving the creation of a market is to create
and empower a market authority as a public corporation, the function
of which would be to acquire land for and to construct and operate
such a market; and to aid and assist by the making of loans and
otherwise those persons engaged in the wholesale food industry who
wish to locate in such market.

(3) The public health and safety of the citizens of the State of
Maryland are adversely affected by the unsafe, obsolete, and un-
sanitary conditions of existing food markets.

(4) It is desirable and in the public interest that these conditions
be eliminated and corrected and that an economical and modern
method of marketing wholesale food in the State of Maryland be
established by the construction of a modern, sanitary, and accessible
market, including parking and other ancillary facilities, as may be
deemed necessary or advisable to the overall success of the Market.

(5) It appears that sufficient revenue will be derived from the
operation of the Market to amortize the cost thereof within a
reasonable period, and it is therefore deemed proper that the
development of the Market be defrayed insofar as practicable by the
issuance of bonds payable solely from the revenue derived from
Market operations; but it may be necessary that a part of said bonds
bear the full faith and credit of the State of Maryland.


(a)    A body corporate and politic, to be known as "The Greater
Baltimore Consolidated Wholesale Food Market Authority" is created
to be an instrumentality of the State of Maryland and a public cor-
poration by that name, style and title. It may contract and be con-
TRACTED with, sue and be sued, implead and be impleaded,
and complain and defend in all courts of law and equity.

(b)    The Authority shall consist of seven members, all of whom
shall be citizens of the State of Maryland. The Director of Agri-
cultural Extension, State of Maryland, and the Comptroller of the
State shall be ex-officio members, and the tenure of their office shall
coincide with the term for which they hold the designated offices.
In the event of a vacancy in any of the ex-officio officers, the seat on
the Authority is to be taken by the interim or permanent successor.

The Governor of the State of Maryland, WITH THE ADVICE
AND CONSENT OF THE SENATE, within thirty (30) days
after the effective date of this Act, shall appoint five members who
shall be outstanding citizens of the State of Maryland. The original
appointments of those five members, excluding the ex-officio members,


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Session Laws, 1967
Volume 681, Page 213   View pdf image (33K)
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