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Session Laws, 1967
Volume 681, Page 212   View pdf image (33K)
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212                              LAWS OF MARYLAND                      [CH. 145

facilities appurtenant thereto or in connection therewith, and to
render financial aid to relocating wholesale food dealers to the
market; authorizing the authority to make secured loans to those
members of the wholesale food industry who wish to participate
in the wholesale food market; conferring powers and imposing
duties upon the authority, upon the Governor of the State of Mary-
land and upon the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, and the
governments of Anne Arundel County, Baltimore County, Carroll
County, Harford County, and Howard County; providing for the
creation of an advisory council to the authority; authorizing is-
suance of bonds in an aggregate amount not to exceed Ten Million
Dollars ($10,000,000), Six Million Dollars ($6,000,000) of which
shall be payable from the revenues of the authority, and Four
Million Dollars ($4,000,000) of which shall bear the full faith and
credit of the State of Maryland; authorizing the authority to ac-
quire and dispose of all of the property of and to assume all of the
rights, obligations and liabilities of the New Marsh Wholesale
Produce Market Authority and providing for termination thereof;
providing for the fixing, charging, and collecting of rates and
charges for the facilities of the market, including parking and other
ancillary facilities, for the payment of the bonds and for the cost of
maintaining, repairing, and operating the market; authorizing the
acceptance of appropriations OR LOANS by the authority from
municipal, state, or federal governments; exempting the authority
and the bonds and interest from taxation; authorizing agreements
for payments in lieu of taxes under certain circumstances; and
providing for the issuance of refunding bonds; and relating gen-
erally to the Greater Baltimore Consolidated Wholesale Food

Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,


This subtitle ACT may be cited as "The Greater Baltimore Con-
solidated Wholesale Food Market Authority Act."

The General Assembly of Maryland makes the following declara-
tions as a statement of its legislative intent in the enactment of this

(1) The marketing of food is a matter of public interest; the
maintenance of wholesale market places is and has always been
recognized as a public function; the vast quantities of food and re-
lated food products brought annually from all parts of the United
States into the wholesale markets in the Greater Baltimore Region
are obliged to pass through market facilities which are obsolete and
inadequate to meet present needs; the scattered locations and diffi-
culty of access with respect to such markets constitute an economic
loss; the obsolescence of these markets is responsible for much of the
high cost of food handling and for the deterioration which takes
place both within the wholesale markets and between the markets and
the consumer's doorstep; modern consolidated facilities would result
in an annual saving; there is need for a consolidated wholesale food
market within the Greater Baltimore Region; and in spite of this



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Session Laws, 1967
Volume 681, Page 212   View pdf image (33K)
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