3. Operation of the dispensary system. Changes have been made
in the dispensary system since it was established and consideration
ought to be given to removal of the county from the dispensary
4. If any additional licenses are authorized, study ought to be
made of the enforcement system and the employees needed for this
function; and
Whereas, For those reasons the General Assembly deems it
necessary that a comprehensive study is made of the alcoholic
beverage laws applicable within the county; now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the members
of the General Assembly elected from Caroline County are requested
to appoint a 10-member committee of knowledgeable citizens of the
county for the purpose of making a comprehensive study of the
alcoholic beverage laws in the county; and be it further
Resolved, That the Study Committee is requested to submit its
report and recommendations to the members of the General Assembly
elected from the County in advance of the 1968 General Assembly;
and be it further
Resolved, That copies of this Resolution are sent to the members
of the General Assembly elected from the County, the Caroline
County Board of County Commissioners and the Caroline County
Liquor Control Board.
Approved May 4, 1967.
No. 53
(House Joint Resolution 55)
House Joint Resolution requesting Anne Arundel County Office of
Planning and Zoning and Anne Arundel County Office of Law to
advise the General Assembly of Maryland whether land to be used
by proposed Severn Run State Park can be restricted to its present
land use and ownership by local ordinance or, whether an act of
the General Assembly is necessary.
Whereas, the Department of Forests and Parks has designated a
certain area for a state park to be known as the Severn Run State
Park; and
Whereas, the State of Maryland has under option only eighty
acres of land presently and has only funds for the obtaining of an
additional eighty acres for fiscal 1967-68; and
Whereas, the Severn Run Commission established by the Anne
Arundel County Government has advised the Anne Arundel County
Delegation that due to rapid growth of population that houses are
being built, zoning requests are being made, property may be con-
veyed in the future and, possible subdivision requests may be made;