Resolved, That this committee is requested, when appointed, to
meet and organize promptly and to press its studies and investigation
with vigor in order that it may report to the Legislative Council not
later than October 1, 1967.
Approved May 4, 1967.
No. 20
(Senate Joint Resolution 38)
Senate Joint Resolution requesting the Governor of Maryland and the
President of the Legislative Council to each select and designate
four qualified persons to constitute a committee of eight to study
the maintenance needs of State Roads Commission and the source
and amount of revenue that comprises the Commission's Main-
tenance Fund and to make such report and recommendation to the
Legislative Council as it deems appropriate.
Whereas, the Maintenance Fund of the State Roads Commission
includes portions of receipts collected from motor vehicle registration
fees, and
Whereas, over the period of the last 12 or more years these gross
revenues have increased, however, because of substantial increasing
deductions authorized, from time to time by law, the amount of funds
received by the State Roads Commission for maintenance purposes
from this source has remained almost constant, and
Whereas, the demand for funds for maintenance of the State
Highway System is continuing to increase because of the construc-
tion of new and additional highways; greater highway widths, and
increased labor and material costs, and
Whereas, during past years it has become necessary for the
Commission to request and obtain legislative approval to transfer
substantial sums of money from the State Roads Commission
Construction Fund to its Maintenance Fund. For instance, during
the fiscal year ending June 30, 1967 the Commission was authorized
to transfer $10,000,000 from construction to maintenance and for the
fiscal year ending June 30, 1968 the Commission has determined that
a $12,000,000 transfer may be necessary, and
Whereas, this constant, substantial and increasing transfer of
funds from the Commission's construction program to supplement
the financing of necessary highway maintenance requirements is
doing violence to the State's highway construction and reconstruc-
tion program and is one of the major factors causing highway
construction to lag behind schedule, now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That a Committee
of nine qualified persons, four to be appointed by the Governor, four
by the President of the Legislative Council, and one, who will serve
as Chairman, to be appointed jointly by the Governor and the
President of the Legislative Council to study the Maintenance Fund
and the maintenance requirements of the State Roads Commission.