SPIRO T. AGNEW, Governor 1289
pensed on the prescription of a medical practitioner, or otherwise
legally dispensed or sold, and shall include the proper and safe
storage and distribution of drugs, the maintenance of proper records,
therefor, and the responsibility of providing information, as required,
concerning such drugs and medicines and their therapeutic values
and uses in the treatment and prevention of disease.
The words "drug" and "devices" shall not include surgical or dental
instruments, physical therapy equipment, x-rays apparatus, their
component parts or accessories.
The "practice of pharmacy" shall not include the operations of a
manufacturer or wholesaler as prescribed in Section 269 and Section
270A of Article 43 of the Annotated Code of Maryland.
(b) A "Pharmacy" means and includes every establishment or
institution where (1) the practice of the profession of pharmacy is
conducted; (2) drugs, medicines or medicinal chemicals are dispensed,
offered for sale, given away or displayed for sale at retail; (3) where
prescriptions are compounded or dispensed; or (4) which has upon
it or displayed within it or affixed to or used in connection with it,
a sign bearing the word or words, "pharmacist," "pharmacy,"
"apothecary," "drugstore," "druggist," "drugs," "medicines," "Medi-
cine store," "health aids," "drug sundries," "remedies," or any word
or words of similar or like import, or where the characteristic show
bottles or globes filled with colored liquid or otherwise colored, are
exhibited on any store or shop or other place, or with respect to which
any of the above words are used in any advertisement. , THE
Said Board shall organize by the election of a president, secretary
and treasurer, who shall serve for the term of one year and who shall
perform the duties prescribed by the Board. Meetings for the exam-
inations of applicants for registration shall be held on the first
Thursday in April and October in each year, in the City of Baltimore,
or at such times and places as may be fixed upon by the Board;
provided, that ten days' public notice of the hour and place of each
meeting at which there is an examination of candidates for registra-
tion shall be given. It shall be the duty of the Board to receive all
applicants for examination and registration submitted in proper
form, to grant certificates to such persons as may be entitled to the
same hereunder, to report annually to the Governor and the Maryland
Pharmaceutical Association upon the condition of pharmacy in the
State, which report shall also furnish a record of the proceedings of
the Board, as well as the names of all persons registered under these
provisions; to keep a book in which shall be registered the names
and places of business of all persons so registered, and all facts
pertaining to the granting of certificates. The said Board shall have
the power to adopt any rules and bylaws not inconsistent herewith
necessary to the transaction of the business of the Board, to demand
and receive from applicants the fees herein provided, which shall by
the treasurer of the Board be paid to the Treasurer of the State.
The Board may promulgate rules and regulations, in accordance with
the provisions of Article 41 Sections 244 to 256, inclusive, known as
The Administrative Procedure Act, governing the standards of prac-