SPIRO T. AGNEW, Governor 1261
October 1, 1961, such association shall have made formal contract,
in writing, with the Department of Building, Savings, and Loan As-
sociations, and shall have been in the process as of October 1, 1961, of
securing approval from the State Department of Building, Savings,
and Loan Associations to properly effect the sale of stock in amounts
so that the total sold plus that already outstanding would aggregate
fifty thousand dollars ($50,000); and further that since January 1,
1962, the State Department of Building, Savings, and Loan Associa-
tions shall actually acknowledge the validity of such Associations,
and its charter, by having formally approved the increased authoriza-
tion of guaranteed stock for such Associations and/or approved the
sale of additional stock of such Associations; and finally the Asso-
ciations shall be an active institution, engaged in the acceptance
of free share accounts and/or the granting of loans to its members
or others in accordance with the provisions of 161A(e), as of Febru-
ary 1, 1967, and such active status is in fact, so certified by the
Department of Building, Savings, and Loan Associations.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take effect
June 1, 1967.
Approved April 21, 1967.
(House Bill 912)
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact, with amendments, Sections 19 (m),
26(b), 40(a) 21(n), 26(b), 40(a) 21(J), 26(B), 90(b)(2), 130, and
197(n), (p) and (q) of Article 2B of the Annotated Code of Mary-
land, (1957 Edition and 1966 Supplement), title "Alcoholic Bever-
ages," subtitles "Beer, Wine and Liquor Licenses," "Local Licenses
and License Provisions," "General Provisions on Issue of Licenses,"
LICENSES" and "Enforcement"; to add new Sections 21(i-l),
AND 25 (k) and 41 (b 6) to said Article and title, subtitles "Beer,
Wine and Liquor Licenses," "Special and Temporary Licenses,"
and "General Provisions on Issuance of Licenses," to follow im-
mediately after Sections 21(i), AND 25(j) and 41(b 5), respec-
tively, and to repeal Section 106 of said Article and title, subtitle
"Hours and Days for Sale," and to enact new Section 106 in lieu
thereof, to stand in place of the section so repealed, respectively
eliminating the distinction between beer, wine and liquor licenses
within Ocean City and outside of Ocean City in Worcester County,
increasing the license fee and the percentage of such fee which go
to incorporated towns in Worcester County; permitting incor-
porated towns in Worcester County to require additional license
fees; eliminating a residency requirement for a license in Worces-
ter County; eliminating the requirement for having glass doors
or windows on any premises in Worcester County where alcoholic
beverages are sold; eliminating the enforcement, penalty, and ap-
plication of certain provisions as applied to Worcester County, in-
creasing the annual license fee in Worcester County; establishing a
special permit in Worcester County; permitting persons in Worces-
ter County to hold more than one license; to amend the hours
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