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Session Laws, 1967
Volume 681, Page 1020   View pdf image (33K)
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1020                             LAWS OF MARYLAND                        [CH. 437

Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Sections 90 (c), 91 (a) and 295 of Article 66˝ of the Annotated
Code of Maryland (1957 Edition and 1966 Supplement), title "Motor
Vehicles," subtitles respectively, "Administration—Registration—
Titling" and "Operation of Vehicles Upon Highways," be and they
are hereby repealed and re-enacted, with amendments; that new
Sections 86B, AND 195A and 212 (b-1) be and they are hereby
added to said Article of the Code, subtitles respectively, "Administra-
tion—Registration—Titling" and "Operation of Vehicles Upon High-
ways," to follow respectively after Sections 86A, AND 195 and 212
(b) thereof; that Section 195 of the said Code (1957 Edition), sub-
title "Operation of Vehicles Upon Highways," be and it is hereby
repealed; and that a new Section 195 be and it is hereby enacted in
lieu thereof, to stand in the place of the section so repealed, and all
to read as follows:


(a)  No person shall operate a motorcycle on a highway of this
State unless such person is duly licensed to operate a motor vehicle
and has successfully passed a driver examination on a motorcycle
and has been issued a motorcycle license. A motorcycle learner's
permit shall entitle the holder thereof to operate a motorcycle on the
highways, as a learner, while under the instruction and immediate
SUPERVISION of a licensed motorcycle operator.

(b)  Nothing her em shall affect or impair any license issued prior
to June 1, 1967. Any licensee whose operator's or chauffeur's license
was issued prior to June 1, 1967, shall be authorized to operate a
motorcycle without having issued to him a motorcycle license. Upon
the renewal of any operator's or chauffeur's license issued prior to
June 1, 1967, such licensee shall be subject to the provisions requir-
ing a special license for the operation of a motorcycle, except that
the Department may waive the requirement for the motorcycle exam-
ination, upon receipt of adequate evidence of experience in operating
a motorcycle, under such rules and regulations as it may deem neces-
sary. Any applicant who so desires may voluntarily apply at any time
after June 1, 1967, for the issuance of a special license to operate a


(c)  Such instruction and examination permit shall entitle the per-
son to whom it is issued to operate a motor vehicle only when accom-
panied by a regularly licensed operator or chauffeur of Maryland or
of any other state at least twenty-one years old, who is actually
occupying a seat beside the person under instruction, except in the
event the learner is operating a motorcycle,
and shall be valid only
for sixty days from the date of issue for the purpose of instruction,
after which time it shall expire and become void. Motorcycle learners
shall carry only an instructor properly licensed to operate a motor-


(a) The Department shall examine every applicant for an oper-
ator's, motorcycle operator's or chauffeur's license, except as other-
wise provided in this article. Such examination shall be held in [the


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Session Laws, 1967
Volume 681, Page 1020   View pdf image (33K)
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