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Session Laws, 1967
Volume 681, Page 1021   View pdf image (33K)
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SPIRO T. AGNEW, Governor                      1021

City of Baltimore or in] such [other] places as the Department
[might] may designate. It shall include a test of the applicant's eye-
sight, ability to read and understand highway signs regulating, warn-
ing, and directing traffic, knowledge of the traffic laws of this State,
and shall include an actual demonstration of ability to exercise
ordinary and reasonable control in the operation of a motor vehicle,
and such further physical and mental examination as the Department
finds necessary to determine the applicant's fitness to operate a motor
vehicle safely upon the highways.


(a)    No motorcycle shall be operated on any highway in this State
while carrying more than one person, unless it is designed by the
manufacturer to carry more than one person. When so designed a
passenger may ride upon (1) the permanent or regular seat designed
for two persons, (2) upon another seat firmly attached to the motor-
cycle at the rear of the operator, and equipped with foot and hand
FOOT RESTS for the passenger; or (3) in a sidecar attached
to the motorcycle.

(b)    No person shall operate any motorcycle equipped with a seat
so positioned that the operator, when sitting astride the seat cannot
reach the ground with either foot.

(c)    No person shall operate any motorcycle equipped with handle
bars which are more than fifteen (15) inches in height above the
uppermost position of the seat when depressed by the weight of the

(d)    No person, operating a motorcycle shall carry any person,
animal, package, bundle, or article which prevents the operator from
keeping both hands upon the handle bars of the vehicle.

(e)    No person shall operate a motorcycle with either the front
or rear fender removed, or with a fender cut or altered after it has
been sold by the manufacturer.

(f)    The operator of a motorcycle, when passing another vehicle,
shall not pass in the same lane in which the motor vehicle is being

(g) The operator of a motorcycle on a highway shall not ride

abreast of another motor vehicle in the same lane of traffic.

(h) (G) No person shall ride on a motorcycle unless he is properly
wearing a safety helmet approved by the Department.

(i) (H) No person shall ride on a motorcycle unless he is properly
wearing safety goggles or a face shield approved by the Department.

(j) (I) It shall be unlawful to sell, offer for sale, or distribute any

protective safety helmet, goggles, or face shields for use by the

operators or passengers of a motorcycle unless they are of a type
approved by the Department.

(k) Every motorcycle shall be equipped with a shield located
between the passenger's legs and the exhaust of the vehicle in order


(l) In addition to the above prohibitions on equipment or regula-
tions on the operation of a motorcycle, the Department is author


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Session Laws, 1967
Volume 681, Page 1021   View pdf image (33K)
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