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Session Laws, 1966
Volume 678, Page 809   View pdf image (33K)
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J. MILLARD TAWES, Governor                     809

it is hereby repealed and re-enacted, with amendments, to read as


Before issuing any license the Commission shall collect the follow-
ing license fees:

Pound nets

In Chesapeake Bay, $10.00 for the first net and $5.00 for each
additional net.

In the tributaries of Chesapeake Bay, $5.00 for the first net, $2.50
for each additional net.

In Chincoteague, Sinepuxent, Isle of Wight and Assawoman bays
and their tributaries, and in the Atlantic Ocean within three miles
of the Maryland shore, $10.00 for each net.

Haul seines
In Chesapeake Bay and tributaries, $15.00 for each net.

In Chincoteague, Sinepuxent, Isle of Wight and Assawoman bays
and their tributaries, and in the Atlantic Ocean within three miles
of the Maryland shore, $15.00 for each net.

Anchored gill nets

Whenever used, $3.00 for the first 500 feet, $1.00 for each additional
500 feet, or fraction thereof.

Drift gill nets

In Chesapeake Bay, Chincoteague, Sinepuxent, Isle of Wight and
Assawoman bays and their tributaries, and in the Atlantic Ocean
within three miles of the Maryland shore, $10.00 for each 500 yards,
or fraction thereof.

In the tributaries of Chesapeake Bay, $5.00 for the first 150 yards
[on boat,] and $2.50 for each additional 150 yards [on boat].

Fyke or hoop nets (more than 40 yards in length)
Wherever used, $2.50 for each net.

All license fees collected by the Commission shall be paid into the
treasury of the State, and credited to the Conservation Fund. Every
licensee shall exhibit his license whenever demanded by any duly
authorized officer.

Disposition of fees

All license fees collected by the Commission of Tidewater Fish-
eries under the provisions of this subheading shall be credited into a
special fund subject to the control of the Department of Research
and Education. The Department shall apply and use the special fund
for research and experimentation in problems of fishery supply, in-
cluding, but not necessarily limited to, field and laboratory research


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Session Laws, 1966
Volume 678, Page 809   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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