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Session Laws, 1966
Volume 678, Page 1409   View pdf image (33K)
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J. MILLARD TAWES, Governor                     1409

quest the Governor of Maryland to appoint a special commission to
give thought and consideration to these laws.

The laws presently applicable to the sale and consumption of alco-
holic beverages in Worcester County stem from enactments made
more than thirty years ago, as constantly revised since that time.
They now are in need of a thoroughgoing study and consideration
which could be given by a special commission appointed for this task;
now, therefore, be it

Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the Governor
of Maryland is requested to appoint a special commission to study and
report on the alcoholic beverage laws applicable in Worcester County;
and be it further

Resolved, That on this commission, he is requested to appoint rep-
resentatives of public and quasi public agencies and organizations in
Worcester County, with a representative group of lay and professional
members, and to appoint a chairman of the commission; and be it

Resolved, That the commission when appointed, is requested to
meet and organize promptly and to give complete study and considera-
tion to all phases of the alcoholic beverage laws as they apply in
Worcester County; and be it further

Resolved, That the commission is requested to submit its report
and recommendations not later than January 1, 1967, to the members
of the Worcester County Delegation in the General Assembly, the
Board of County Commissioners, the Liquor Control Board, and the
governing officials of each of the municipal corporations in Worcester

Approved May 6, 1966.

No. 64
(House Joint Resolution 60)

House Joint Resolution urging Congress to enact the "Wild Rivers
Act" to preserve the natural beauty of certain rivers located in and
adjacent to Maryland.

Whereas, A proposed Act is pending in Congress of the United
States known as the "Wild Rivers Act"; and

Whereas, The proposed Act provides for the immediate desig-
nation of the Cacapon and Shenandoah Rivers in West Virginia, flow-
ing into the Potomac River on Maryland's southernmost boundary,
as "Wild Rivers"; and

Whereas, Five rivers located in Pennsylvania and the Youghio-
gheny River in Garrett County, Maryland, are designated for con-
sideration for future inclusion in the Wild River system, such
designations to be made only after appropriate consultation with the
Governors and officials of Pennsylvania and Maryland; and

Whereas, These rivers in West Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Mary-
land are within easy travel range of Marylanders who may wish to


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Session Laws, 1966
Volume 678, Page 1409   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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