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Session Laws, 1966
Volume 678, Page 1408   View pdf image (33K)
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1408                            JOINT RESOLUTIONS

No. 62
(House Joint Resolution 56)

House Joint Resolution commending and congratulating the Maryland
Agricultural Society-Maryland Farm Bureau upon the occasion of
its Fiftieth Anniversary.

Whereas, the year of 1966 marks the 50th Anniversary of the legis-
lative action incorporating the Maryland Agricultural Society (Chap-
ter 675, Laws of Maryland, 1916) to foster the development of agri-
cultural resources of Maryland, and to utilize all agencies intended to
further the interest of rural people and to promote the welfare of the
State; and

Whereas, in January 1923, at an annual meeting of the Society in
Frederick, a new constitution was adopted creating the Maryland
Agricultural Society—the Maryland Farm Bureau Federation "to
correlate, strengthen and unite the county and state farm organiza-
tions of Maryland; to develop the agriculture of the State and to
promote, protect and represent the business, economic and educational
interests of the farmers of Maryland"; and

Whereas, these organizations have contributed mightily toward
improving rural living and the general economic well-being of the
State; and

Whereas, the Farm Bureau has gained wide public acceptance and
reputation as the "Voice of Agriculture" in Maryland; and

Whereas, the nearly 10,000 rural family members that voluntarily
join together through this organization use their influence to improve
community environment and to encourage good government; and

Whereas, the rural family members believe in, practice, and sup-
port principles dedicated to the preservation of a Christian nation;
now, therefore, be it

Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the con-
gratulations, commendations and best wishes of the General Assembly
and the people of Maryland are extended to the Maryland Agricul-
tural Society—Maryland Farm Bureau upon celebration of its Fiftieth
Anniversary; and be it further

Resolved, That the Secretary of State of Maryland is requested to
send a copy of this resolution under the Great Seal of the State of
Maryland to the Maryland Farm Bureau.

Approved May 6, 1966.

No. 63
(House Joint Resolution 58)

House Joint Resolution requesting the Governor to appoint a special
commission to study and report on the alcoholic beverage laws for
Worcester County.

The alcoholic beverage laws applying in Worcester County need
a study and survey, and the members of the General Assembly re-


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Session Laws, 1966
Volume 678, Page 1408   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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