the amendment is necessary in order to procure or to retain in the
State service, essential career administrative employees, perform-
ing executive functions, or essential professional or technical
employees, and upon approval of the Board of Public Works, after
recommendation by the Board, shall have the force of law, in the
same manner as if they had been originally incorporated in the
schedule. Wherever the Board shall find that there is an increase
in the market value of services performed by any class, it shall be
the duty of the Commissioner of Personnel to identify and present
to the Board for consideration at the same time all other related
classes which are affected by the same change in market value. Each
employee in the classified and in the unclassified service shall be
paid at one of the rates set forth in the pay plan for the grade or
class of positions in which he is employed. The pay plan shall be
used by the Governor in the preparation and submission of his
budget. Provided, however, that positions upon the faculties of the
University of Maryland, State colleges and Morgan State College,
all registrars and librarians designated as holding faculty rank by
the respective boards of trustees of the State colleges, St. Mary's
Female Seminary, Morgan State College and University of Mary-
land, teachers, principals, directors of education and supervisors of
vocational education on the staffs of Boys' Village of Maryland,
Maryland Training School for Boys, Montrose School for Girls [and
Maryland Children's Center,], Maryland Children's Centers, Victor
Cullen School, and any and all other institutions which are under
the supervision, direction, control and general management of the
State Department of Public Welfare, but not the noninstructional
personnel of such institutions shall be excluded from said pay plan
and from the jurisdiction of the State Employees Standard Salary
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That Section 329 of Article 77
of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1965 Replacement Volume),
title "Public Education", subtitle "Teachers in Institutions", be and
it is hereby repealed and re-enacted, with amendments, to read as
329. Salaries to equal those of public school teachers.
Persons employed as teachers, principals, directors of education
and supervisors of vocational education on the staffs of Boys' Village
of Maryland, Maryland Training School for Boys, Montrose School
for Girls [and Maryland Children's Center,], Maryland Children's
Centers, Victor Cullen School, and any and all other institutions
which are under the supervision, direction, control and general man-
agement of the State Department of Public Welfare, shall be paid
an annual salary not less than that received by public school teachers
of similar training and experience in the particular political sub-
division in which located. The State Department of Education or the
superintendent of schools in the county in which the institution is
located shall be responsible for reviewing the individual's background
to determine the appropriate salary that should be paid to the indi-
vidual based on his prior training and experience.
Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That this Act is hereby declared
to be an emergency measure and necessary for the immediate preser-
vation of the public health and safety, and having been passed by