J. MILLARD TAWES, Governor 13
officials of all State offices, boards, commissions, departments, and
institutions as determined by the Commissioner with the approval of
the Governor; employees of or assigned to the executive mansion;
members of the police force and all employees of the police commis-
sioner for the City of Baltimore and of the board of police examiners
of Baltimore City provided for by Article 4 of the Code of Public
Local Laws of Maryland (1949 Edition), title "City of Baltimore",
subtitle "Police Commissioner", 868 to 968, both inclusive, and any
amendments thereto it being intended that said sections, and any
amendments thereto, shall remain in effect independently of this
article; all positions in State offices, boards, commissions, departments
and institutions, which the Commissioner may determine, with the
approval of the Governor, require medical, engineering, scientific,
educational or expert training and qualifications; all registrars and
librarians designated as holding faculty rank by the respective boards
of trustees of the State teachers' colleges, St. Mary's Female Semi-
nary, Morgan State College and University of Maryland and the busi-
ness manager at Morgan State College; all teachers, principals, di-
rectors of education and supervisors of vocational education on the
staffs of [Barrett School for Girls,] Boys' Village of Maryland, Mary-
land Training School for Boys, Montrose School for Girls [and Mary-
land Children's Center;], Maryland Children's Centers, Victor Cullen
School, and any and all other institutions which are under the super-
vision, direction, control and general management of the State De-
partment of Public Welfare; and all positions the annual salary for
which does not exceed the sum of six hundred and fifty dollars ($650)
per annum, or where the incumbent is employed on a part-time basis.
(a) Establishing and recommending pay plan.—The Commis-
sioner shall be responsible for developing all data, including but not
limited to tables, charts, job descriptions, job comparisons, and rat-
ings for use of the Standard Salary Board. It shall be the duty of
the Board to consider the materials developed by the Commissioner,
and after consultation with appointing authorities, the State Em-
ployees Standard Salary Board shall prepare and recommend to the
Governor a pay plan for all classes of positions in both the classified
and unclassified service to the end that all positions in such services
involving comparable duties, experience, responsibilities and author-
ity shall be paid comparable salaries in accordance with the relative
value of the services to be performed. In establishing rates of pay,
the State Employees Standard Salary Board shall give consideration
to experience, the prevailing rates of pay for the services performed,
and for comparable services in public and private employment, liv-
ing costs, maintenance or other benefits received by employees, and
the State's financial condition and policies. Such pay plan shall take
effect and shall have the force and effect of law after approval by
the Governor, at the time the next State budget takes effect, if funds
for such pay plan are provided therein. Amendments thereto may,
from time to time, be recommended by the Board and when approved
by the Governor and so included in the next State budget shall have
the force of law in the same manner as if they had been originally
incorporated in the schedule. Notwithstanding anything to the con-
trary hereinbefore, and solely in cases of acute emergency, amend-
ments may be made from time to time in the pay plan to take effect
at any time prior to the effective date of the next State budget, if