J. MILLARD TAWES, Governor 1373
Resolved, That they urge the Governor of Maryland, the President
of the University of Maryland, the Board of Regents of the Uni-
versity, and the Dean of the Medical School to continue their strenu-
ous and valuable efforts to expand facilities at the Medical School;
and be it further
Resolved, That the Secretary of State of Maryland is directed to
send copies of this Resolution under the Great Seal of the State of
Maryland to the United States Public Health Service, the Governor
of Maryland, the President and Board of Regents of the University
of Maryland, the Dean of the University of Maryland Medical School,
and the Dean of the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.
Approved May 6, 1966.
No. 31
(Senate Joint Resolution 40)
Senate Joint Resolution supporting the program of the State De-
partment of Health for recruiting medical personnel in the various
health services.
The General Assembly of Maryland gives its support to the efforts
of the State Department of Health in meeting the shortage of
medical personnel throughout the health services and activities in
this State.
The State Department of Health has been concerned over the short-
age of medical personnel at all levels of public health work. This is a
vital problem for the State of Maryland, as it is of the highest
importance to recruit young people into career services in the vari-
ous health care and public health programs.
In its work in this area, the State Department of Health has con-
sidered establishing a new agency to study various areas of the
shortage of public health personnel and the need for medical services
throughout the State as well as to conduct recruiting programs and
to make recommendations for training facilities.
This proposed agency or council would perhaps be similar to the
highly successful Hospital Costs Analysis Service, Inc.
During the past several years, a number of professional organiza-
tions and agencies have been involved with the State Department of
Health considering the establishment of a Health Careers Council.
These organizations and agencies have included the following:
American Physical Therapy Association, Maryland Chapter
Hospital Council of Maryland
Maryland Association of Hospital Pharmacists
Maryland Association of Medical Record Librarians
Maryland Dietetic Association
Maryland League for Nursing, Incorporated
Maryland Occupational Therapy Association
Maryland Public Health Association