health services to achieve continuity of care, the development of
large numbers of "auxiliary" or "paramedical" personnel such as
public health nurses, social workers, physical therapists, occupa-
tional therapists and nutritionists and last but not least a "primary"
or "family" physician to direct the plan of care and rehabilitation
for the patient. This is what "Home Health Services" under Medi-
care is all about and this is why Dr. Peeples emphasized it so much
at the Health Department budget hearing before the Senate Finance
(h) The final factor to be cited is a difficult one to express. At
the outset it is clear that this is not offered in a spirit of criticism
but merely as one of the several factors which will have to be faced
and solved over a period of time. Moreover great strides are being
made on this in the current education of physicians. The lack of
awareness, information and inclination on the part of many (not
all) physicians to utilize community health resources (see g above)
and to demand that they be strengthened promptly so that the
physicians can extend their numbers, better utilize their skills and
act as a captain of a team in bringing better and continuous care to
the increasing number of chronically ill and disabled patients are
pertinent factors. This point is the core of efforts to develop Home
Health Agencies with a variety of qualified "home health services"
which the physician can prescribe and supervise to permit at least
some of his patients to be cared for at home.
At the present time, the University of Maryland Medical School
has an annual graduating capacity of 128 students. It has recog-
nized the desirability of expanding its facilities to accommodate an
annual graduating capacity of 155 students.
Thus, in 1963, the University of Maryland Medical School sub-
mitted to the United States Public Health Service an application for
a grant of some eleven million dollars of Federal funds which when
supplemented by some six million dollars in State funds would have
expanded the facilities for clinical teaching. Because applications
filed with the United States Public Health Service greatly exceeded
the funds available under the Federal program, the grant to the Uni-
versity of Maryland Medical School was held up and required to be
submitted into two phases. Phase one provided for approximately
five and one-half million dollars of Federal matching money. It is
likely that the second phase of this program cannot be initiated
until about 1968.
To date, the funds requested have not been supplied and the ex-
pansion in enrollment facilities is being indefinitely delayed. Ob-
viously, the earlier these funds can be provided, the more quickly
the University of Maryland Medical School can hope to expand its
teaching, clinical, and graduating facilities.
The support of all citizens of Maryland is vitally needed for this
project and the General Assembly of Maryland on behalf of the
people of the State heartily endorses these efforts of the University
of Maryland Medical School; now therefore, be it
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That this body
endorses and supports the efforts of the University of Maryland
Medical School to expand its facilities; and be it further