J. MILLARD TAWES, Governor 1341
tions, giving full weight to the apportionment of costs and benefits,
and if any such objections which are well founded can be met at the
time of the hearing by changes in the report, the viewers shall make
such changes as are necessary to render substantial and equal justice
to all persons concerned. The county commissioners may, in their
discretion, disapprove the report, or they may refer it back to the
watershed viewers for amendment or reconsideration in view of the
objections presented, or they may approve the report as submitted
or as it may have been amended. To assist the county commis-
sioners in arriving at a decision, they may, at their discretion, call
for a vote of the affected landowners present who are included in the
viewers' report, giving due consideration to the apportionment of
benefits and damages. Upon approval of the report by the county
commissioners the board of directors of the public watershed as-
sociation shall be empowered to [carry out] install, operate, and
maintain the [plan] works of improvement [as designated in the
report of the watershed viewers] described in the watershed work
Any person feeling himself aggrieved by any determination of
the county commissioners, or by any proceedings had under this
subtitle relating to works of improvement, may appeal to the circuit
court of the county in which such determination was made or pro-
ceedings were had, and shall be entitled to trial by jury, at the
election of either party [and the judgment rendered thereupon shall
be final between the parties thereto].
The public watershed association shall by virtue of this subtitle
have the power and authority to acquire and possess such rights of
way, easements and other property rights necessary for the con-
struction and maintenance of the works of improvement for water-
shed protection, flood prevention, recreation, soil conservation,
drainage, and/or the conservation, development, storage, utilization
and disposal of water for all beneficial purposes.
(a) As an alternate plan for raising funds necessary to carry
out the plan of watershed improvements described in the [report
of the viewers] watershed work plan and approved by the county
commissioners, as provided in Section 202, the board of directors
shall have the power to issue and sell bonds or notes for an amount
not exceeding the total cost of the improvements as hereinafter
All improvements for watershed protection, flood prevention, rec-
reation, soil conservation, drainage, and/or the conservation, develop-
ment, storage, utilization, and disposal of water for all beneficial
purposes constructed under this subtitle shall be under the control
and supervision of the board of directors. It shall be the duty of
such board to keep such improvements in good repair. To provide
a fund for maintenance, repair, and operation of works of improve-