ment constructed under this subtitle an annual tax shall be levied
against the property benefited, [such taxes to be equal to the average
annual cost of operation and maintenance,] the amount of such tax
to be equal to the estimated cost of operation and maintenance of
works of improvement as determined by an annual inspection or
inspections to be made at a time or times set by the board of di-
rectors, less such amounts as may be received from the board of
county commissioners or from any other source. Should the funds
received from the above sources be inadequate to provide for the
needed maintenance, repair, or operation, a special tax may be levied
against the land benefited. Such taxes shall be levied, collected, and
disbursed in the same manner as hereinbefore provided for the
original taxes.
Any person, taxed for any ditch or drain which does not pass
through or under his land may open a ditch or ditches or install
drain tile through the intervening lands into such main ditch or
ditches and keep the same open at his own cost and charge; pro-
vided that no such cross ditch or drain shall be cut through the
land of any other person without the consent of the owner of such
land [, unless the damages thereon occurring to the owner of the
land be assessed by three freeholders appointed by the county com-
missioners for the county for the purpose of assessing such damages.
The person applying for such ditch or drain shall pay all costs of
laying out and opening the same; and shall also, before making such
ditch or drain, tender or pay all damages awarded to such person as
may be injured thereby].
If, at any time after the county commissioners have reviewed and
approved the watershed work plan under Section 187 of this sub-
title, the board of directors determine that it is to the interest of
the public watershed association to change or modify the purpose,
scope, or location of the works of improvement covered in the
watershed work plan such that the benefits and/or damages to af-
fected landowners are changed, the board of directors shall proceed
as provided in Section 18U to develop a supplemental watershed work
plan including the modified works of improvement. Thereafter, the
board of directors and the county commissioners shall follow the
procedures outlined in Section 185 and subsequent sections in put-
ting the supplemental work plan into effect. When the county com-
missioners have approved a watershed viewers' report based upon a
supplemental work plan developed and submitted under this section
it shall supercede any prior viewers' report.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take effect
June 1,1966.
Approved May 6, 1966.