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Session Laws, 1966
Volume 678, Page 1340   View pdf image (33K)
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1340                            LAWS OF MARYLAND                     [CH. 755

pensations for adopted improvements previously constructed (if any),
the expenses of the board of watershed viewers, and the costs of
establishing the watershed association.

(b) Notwithstanding any other laws to the contrary, the county
commissioners are authorized to contribute in funds, services, equip-
ment, or materials all or any part of the cost of any improvements
authorized under this subtitle from general funds of the county, or to
allocate for use [for] in paying for all or any part of the costs
of any such improvement [or] any other funds which may become
available for such improvements.


The board of watershed viewers may adopt as the whole or as a
part of the watershed improvements to be provided under this sub-
title, any works of improvement already constructed. They shall
assess against each benefited tract of lands within the watershed
association a sum proportional to the benefits accruing to such tract
from the improvements, both existing and proposed. They shall allow
each owner of such lands a fair compensation for the value of work
already done toward such works of improvement. Such compensa-
tion shall constitute an element of the costs of the works of improve-
ment, and shall be paid to the owners of the lands as hereinafter


The board of watershed viewers shall make out and return to the
board of county commissioners, at the earliest practicable date, a
written report, in triplicate, which shall set forth:

[1. Whether the proposed works of improvement are practi-

2.    Whether it will promote the public benefit and be conducive
to the public health, safety or welfare.

3.    Whether the improvements proposed will benefit the lands
in question sufficiently to warrant the probable expenditures.]

[4] 1. The names of all persons entitled to damages, and the
amounts of the same.

[5] 2. The names of all persons entitled to compensation for
adopted improvements previously constructed, and the amounts of
the same.

[6] 3. The total estimated cost of improvements, including con-
struction, damages, compensation and organization expenses.

[7] 4. The sum or amount for which each benefited tract of land
shall be assessed as its share of the total cost of the works of im-
provement, and its proportion of the whole.


At the hearing, the viewers and engineers being present, any per-
son interested in the matter may appear in person or by counsel and
make known his objection to any part of the report. It shall be the
duty of the county commissioners to consider carefully such objec-


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Session Laws, 1966
Volume 678, Page 1340   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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