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Session Laws, 1966
Volume 678, Page 1326   View pdf image (33K)
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1326                              LAWS OF MARYLAND                       [CH. 750

People's Court of Wicomico County

There is hereby created a People's Court of Wicomico County.
Said Court shall consist of one Chief Judge and one Substitute
Judge. The number of such Judges may be changed by the General
Assembly by law, but no change shall affect the term of any Judge
then in office.

194-C 210B.

No person shall be qualified for appointment to hold the office
of Judge of the People's Court of Wicomico County unless he pos-
sesses the following qualifications:

(a)    He is at least thirty (30) years of age and less than seventy
(70) years of age, and

(b)    A member of the Bar of the State of Maryland and an active
practicing attorney in Wicomico County for at least five (5) years,

(c)    A resident of Wicomico County continuously for at least
five (5) years immediately prior to his appointment, and

(d)    Is distinguished for integrity, wisdom, and sound legal

The Governor shall appoint the Judges of the Court by and with
the advice and consent of the Senate of Maryland.

194 E 210D.

(a)    The Judges appointed originally to said Court shall take
office on May 1, 1967, for terms expiring on April 30, 1973. If any
vacancy shall occur during the term of any Judge, the Governor shall
appoint a successor to serve for the remainder of such term by and
with the advice and consent of the Senate of Maryland.

(b)    After the expiration of the original terms, the term of office
of the Judges of the Court shall be six (6) years from the expira-
tion of the preceding term and shall be filled as provided for in Sec-
tion 194-D 210C.

(c)     Unless his office shall have been abolished pursuant to this
subtitle, the Chief Judge and the Substitute Judge of the Court shall
continue to hold office after the expiration of his term until a succes-
sor shall qualify.

(d)     Upon the creation of any office on the Court in addition to
the Chief Judge, the Governor shall appoint a qualified person as
provided for in Section 194-D
210C herein, for a term as the law
creating such office shall provide.

(e)    In the event the Governor is unable to secure the services of a
citizen meeting the qualifications outlined in Section 194-C
210B, then
the Governor, upon certifying to the President of the Senate of Mary-
land that a qualified attorney is not available shall then appoint a citi-


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Session Laws, 1966
Volume 678, Page 1326   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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