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Session Laws, 1966
Volume 678, Page 1324   View pdf image (33K)
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1324                            LAWS OF MARYLAND                     [CH. 750

have concurrent jurisdiction with justices of the peace, provided
that in Baltimore County and Howard County the jurisdiction of the
justices of the peace and in Anne Arundel [County] and Wicomico
the jurisdiction of the judges of the People's Court shall
be exclusive in civil cases involving amounts not exceeding $300.00.


From and after May 1, 1967, the judges of the People's Court of
Wicomico County shall have criminal jurisdiction in all cases herein-
before conferred upon trial magistrates for Wicomico County^ in this
subtitle; and any statutory reference herein to "trial magistrate"
shall, when relating to said county, be interpreted as meaning
"judges of the People's Court of Wicomico County."


(g) From and after May 1, 1967, there shall be such number of
committing magistrates in Wicomico County as are provided in the
local laws thereof. From and after May 1, 1967, no justices of the
peace shall be appointed or designated as trial magistrates in said
County; and all jurisdiction conferred upon trial magistrates shall,
in Wicomico County, be vested in the People's Court of Wicomico
County as established by the local laws thereof.


(22) There shall be two trial magistrates who shall sit in Salis-
bury, one of whom shall be designated and appointed as judge of the
People's Court, and shall receive an annual salary of six thousand
dollars ($6,000.00); and the other of whom shall be designated and
appointed as associate judge of the People's Court, shall sit not less
than two days a week and shall receive an annual salary of three
thousand dollars ($3,000.00).

The said judge of the People's Court shall be responsible for es-
tablishing and maintaining the dockets, records, schedules and as-
signments for the People's Court. In his absence, said associate
judge shall assume said responsibilities.

During the temporary absence or disability of the judge, the
associate judge serve in his place as full-time judge of the Peo-
ple's Court, with like power and authority, and in such circum-
stances he shall receive as compensation from the County Commis-
sioners for the period of such full-time service the same prorata
amount that the judge would have received. In the event of the
absence or disability of the judge from regular sessions of the Peo-
ple's Court for more than twenty-one (21) days in any one year,
his salary shall be diminished ratably for such excess over twenty-
one (21) days.

Except where inconsistent with other provisions of this article,
the words "trial magistrate of Wicomico County" appearing in this
article and elsewhere in this Code and laws of this State, shall be
deemed to mean "judge of the People's Court of Wicomico County."

There shall be appointed biennially by the judge of the People's
Court a clerk who shall keep all dockets of and supervise and manage
the office of the People's Court of said county and said clerk shall


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Session Laws, 1966
Volume 678, Page 1324   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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