J. MILLARD TAWES, Governor 1323
Magistrate's System," to follow immediately after Sections 25D and
97(f) thereof respectively; to add new Sections 156A 166A and
194B through 194 O 210A THROUGH 210N, inclusive, to the Code
of Public Local Laws of Wicomico County (1959 Edition, being
Article 23 of the Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland), title
"Wicomico County," Section 156A 166A thereof under the subtitle
"Justices of the Peace" and to follow immediately after Section
156 166 thereof and Sections 194B through 194P 210A THROUGH
210N, inclusive, to follow immediately after Section 194A 210
thereof and to be under the new subtitle "People's Court of
Wicomico County"; providing for the establishment of a People's
Court of Wicomico County pursuant to provisions of Section 41B
of Article IV of the Maryland Constitution, defining the jurisdic-
tion thereof, prescribing the manner of selection, salary, powers
and qualifications of the judges thereof, providing for the adminis-
tration, employees, and procedure thereof; redefining and limiting
the number and authority of certain justices of the peace in said
county and abolishing the offices of trial magistrate and substitute
trial magistrate therein; providing that said People's Court shall
not be established until May 1, 1967; repealing inconsistent public
local and public general laws; providing for the severability of the
provisions of this Act; and relating generally to the establishment
of a People's Court of Wicomico County, and the transfer to it
of the civil and criminal jurisdiction presently exercised by trial
magistrates in said County.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Sections 6(p), 12, and 119(h) of Article 52 of the Annotated
Code of Maryland (1964 Replacement Volume), and Section 108(22)
of the said Article and Code (1964 Replacement Volume and 1965
Supplement), title "Justices of the Peace," subtitles respectively
"Civil Jurisdiction" and "Trial Magistrate's Systems," be and they
are hereby repealed and re-enacted, with amendments; that new
Section 25E be and it is hereby added to the said Article of the Code
(1964 Replacement Volume) and that new Section 97(g) be and it
is hereby added thereto (1964 Replacement Volume and 1965 Sup-
plement), subtitles respectively "Criminal Jurisdiction" and "Trial
Magistrate's System," to follow immediately after Sections 25D and
97(f) thereof respectively, and all to read as follows:
(p) Trial magistrates of Carroll and Wicomico Counties shall
have jurisdiction in all cases of the type mentioned in Subsection (a)
of this section which involves amounts not exceeding $750.00. From
and after May 1, 1967, the civil jurisdiction vested in justices of the
peace designated as trial magistrates in Wicomico County shall be
transferred to and vested in the People's Court of said county as
established in the local laws thereof; and in addition the Court shall
have jurisdiction in all such cases where the amount in controversy
does not exceed the amount set in the local laws.
In all cases where the amount claimed or the thing in action
exceeds the sum or value of fifty dollars and justices of the peace
have jurisdiction, the several circuit courts for the counties shall