(2) Any person holding a Class B beer; Class B beer, wine and
liquor; Class C beer; Class C beer, wine and liquor license, for
the sale of alcoholic beverages in the Fourth or Fifth Election
Districts of Queen Anne's County issued by the Board of License
Commissioners of Queen Anne's County, shall, upon application
made as for a new license and approval thereof by the Board of
License Commissioners for Queen Anne's County, as provided for
by Section 60 of this Article, be issued a license known as a "Special
Sunday License" upon payment of the fee therefor as provided
(3) Such "Special Sunday License" shall authorize the holder
thereof to sell alcoholic beverages of the same kind, and subject
to the same limitations as to alcoholic content of the beverages
to be sold thereunder, restrictions and provisions, as govern such
other Class B and Class C licenses for the sale of alcoholic beverages,
issued to and held by the holder of such "Special Sunday License,"
on each Sunday between the hours of 2 P.M. until midnight. No
"Special Sunday License" shall be issued to any person who does
not hold a Class B or Class C alcoholic beverage license issued by
the Board of License Commissioners of Queen Anne's County.
(4) An annual fee of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) shall be paid for
each "Special Sunday License" issued for premises entitled to sell
beer, and an annual fee of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) shall
be paid for each "Special Sunday License" issued for premises
entitled to sell beer, wine and liquor. "Special Sunday Licenses"
shall be issued by the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Queen Anne's
County, who shall retain a fee of fifty cents (50¢) for the issuance
of each such license.
(b) (1) In the jurisdictions in which this subsection is appli-
cable, it shall be unlawful for anyone to sell or for any licensed
dealer to deliver, give away or otherwise dispose of any alcoholic
beverages on Sunday. Any person selling or any licensed dealer
delivering, giving away or otherwise disposing of such beverages
in such jurisdictions on Sundays shall be guilty of a misdemeanor
and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not exceeding fifty
dollars ($50.00) for the first offense and for each succeeding offense
shall be fined not exceeding one hundred dollars ($100.00) or im-
prisoned in the county jail for not more than thirty (30) days,
or be both fined and imprisoned, in the discretion of the court.
(2) This subsection shall be applicable and have effect in
Caroline, Cecil, Dorchester, Garrett, Harford, Kent, Queen Anne's,
Somerset, Talbot, Washington, Wicomico, and Worcester counties,
provided that it shall not apply to or affect special Class C
licenses issued under the provisions of this article, nor shall it
apply to special Class C licenses issued in Washington County for
temporary use. Nothing in this section shall require the holder of
any Class A (off-sale) beer license in Washington County to close
his place of business on Sunday provided such licensee shall close
that part of his place of business from which beer is sold. Nothing
in this section shall apply to Class C beer, wine and liquor license
(on sale) club in Kent County under which it shall be lawful to
keep for sale and sell in Kent County for consumption on the