1937; and to repeal Sections 114, 120A-120F, inclusive, 120J,
120K-120N, inclusive, and Section 122 of said Article and sub-
title, Sections 120A-120F, inclusive, having been enacted by
Chapter 294 of 1933, Section 120J having been amended by
Chapter 66 of 1937, and Sections 120K-120N, inclusive, having
been enacted by Chapter 294 of the Acts of 1933, generally amend-
ing the laws concerning the County Treasurer of Caroline County,
removing therefrom certain inapplicable or obsolete provisions,
repealing certain unnecessary and obsolete provisions having to
do with tax sales, and amending other provisions on this subject,
and relating generally to the office of County Treasurer of
Caroline County and to the powers, duties, and workings of that
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Sections 110, 111, 120, 120G and 120H of Article 6 of the Code
of Public Local Laws of Maryland (1930 Edition), title "Caroline
County", sub-title "County Treasurer", Section 111 thereof having
been amended by Chapter 323 of 1955, Section 120 having been
amended by Chapter 9 of 1937, Section 120G having been enacted
by Chapter 294 of 1933, and Section 120H having been amended by
Chapter 66 of 1937, be and they are hereby repealed and re-enacted,
with amendments; and that Sections 114, 120A-120F, inclusive, 120J,
120K-120N", inclusive, and Section 122 of said Article and sub-title,
Sections 120A-120F, inclusive, having been enacted by Chapter 294
of 1933, Section 120J having been amended by Chapter 66 of 1937,
and Sections 120K-120N, inclusive, having been enacted by Chapter
294 of the Acts of 1933, be and they are hereby repealed, and all to
read as follows:
The person so elected Treasurer, before he enters upon the duties
of his office, shall make and execute to the State of Maryland, a
good and sufficient bond and deliver the same to the County Com-
missioners; said bond to be secured with surety or sureties thereto,
to be approved by them in the penal sum of twenty thousand dollars,
and conditioned for the faithful discharge of the duties of the office
of County Treasurer, and that he will well and faithfully receive,
account for and disburse all money placed in his hands or received
by him in accordance with the order and direction of the County
Commissioners, which bond shall be recorded in the office of the
Clerk of the Circuit Court for Caroline County, and a copy thereof,
certified in the usual form by said clerk, shall be admitted as
evidence in all courts of this State, at law or in equity, and the
aforesaid bond shall be liable to suit by them or other persons
interested therein. The said treasurer shall occupy such separate
office in the Court House as shall be provided for him by the said
Commissioners, and keep the office open for business [from ten
o'clock in the forenoon until three o'clock in the afternoon each day
in the week except Sundays and legal holidays (unless a temporary
leave of absence be granted to him), and said treasurer shall receive
a salary of twelve hundred dollars per annum. And in addition to
said salary, the County Commissioners of Caroline County, from and
after the 1st day of July, 1914, shall pay to said treasurer the sum
of four hundred dollars in each of their fiscal years, for his traveling
expenses in visiting the towns and villages in the several election
districts of said Caroline County for the purpose of collecting taxes;