J. MILLARD TAWES, Governor 45
ment, the said Board of County Commissioners shall continue to
employ a certified public accountant, until they succeed in having
one qualify as aforesaid.
20. The [said] accountant shall be allowed for his services in
auditing and examining the accounts, vouchers, books, papers and
proceedings as named in this [Act not to exceed the sum of twenty-
five dollars per day] sub-title such amount as determined from time
to time by the County Commissioners, together with such expenses
for stationery, costs, if any, of summoning witnesses and witness
fees as herein set forth, all of which shall be paid by the Board of
County Commissioners for Caroline County.
21. The Board of County Commissioners shall immediately
publish in pamphlet form said report, and shall ask bids from
practical printers to print [at least twelve hundred] a sufficient
number of copies of said report annually for distribution to interested
persons, and shall accept the lowest responsible bid. [They shall
distribute by mail not less than eight hundred copies to representative
citizens of the county and place the remaining copies of the report
in the office of the County Commissioners for Caroline County to]
The copies shall be distributed in such manner as [said] the County
Commissioners may adopt, and the County Commissioners [of
Caroline County] shall pay all costs of printing and distributing
[said] the reports.
22. For the purpose of showing the true and financial condition
of the county at the time of making the audit as provided in the
preceding sections of this sub-title, the clerk of the County Com-
missioners of Caroline County shall endorse on all claims or accounts
against the county the date when the same are presented, and shall
also enter in a well-bound book to be kept for that purpose said
claims or accounts, showing the name of the creditor, the date when
such claim is presented, and the character and amount thereof, and
also the date [said] the claim or account is passed by [said] the
Commissioners, and the amount allowed by them; and it shall not
be lawful for the [said] clerk to allow or permit any account or
claim presented against [said] the county to be taken out of his office
until [the same] it has been entered as hereinbefore prescribed.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take effect
June 1, 1965.
Approved March 11, 1965.
(Senate Bill 80)
AN ACT to repeal and reenact, with amendments, Sections 110, 111,
120, 120G and 120H of Article 6 of the Code of Public Local Laws
of Maryland (1930 Edition), title "Caroline County", sub-title
"County Treasurer", Section 111 thereof having been amended by
Chapter 323 of 1955, Section 120 having been amended by Chapter
9 of 1937, Section 120G having been .enacted by Chapter 294 of
1933, and Section 120H having been amended by Chapter 66 of