J. MILLARD TAWES, Governor 47
for the expense of clerical help in his office and for the payment of
the premium for the bond herein required to be given by him, if
said treasurer shall furnish a bond with a surety company author-
ized by the laws of the State of Maryland to execute such bond, as
surety. But if said treasurer shall furnish a bond with personal
security, the said County Commissioners shall pay unto him for the
above named purposes the sum of three hundred dollars in each of
said fiscal years, and no more.] during such hours as may be pre-
scribed by the Board of County Commissioners from time to time.
The Treasurer shall be 'paid such compensation as is set by law and
also any allowance for traveling or other expenses as may be pre-
scribed by the Board of County Commissioners from time to time.
The cost of the Treasurer's surety bond shall be paid by the county
commissioners from county funds.
The Treasurer of Caroline County shall, upon taking office, [begin-
ning with the year 1922 and every four years thereafter,] shall
appoint a Deputy Treasurer who shall hold office [for a term of four
years,] at the pleasure of the Treasurer; and the said deputy, so
appointed, shall assist the Treasurer in the performance of all the
duties of said office under the direction and control of said Treasurer,
and said Treasurer for Caroline County shall be liable and respon-
sible for all the acts and conduct of said deputy in the handling of
any books, records or moneys of Caroline County in said office, and
the said Deputy Treasurer shall receive a salary [of Twenty-four
Hundred Dollars ($2,400) per annum] as established by the Board
of County Commissioners from time to time.
[114. The said treasurer shall occupy the office of the County
Commissioners, and keep the office open for business from ten o'clock
in the forenoon until three o'clock in the afternoon each day in the
week except Sundays and legal holidays (unless a temporary leave
of absence be granted by them); and said treasurer shall receive a
salary of one thousand dollars per annum.]
120. On the first day in [January] October in every year taxes
shall be deemed to be in arrears and interest shall be charged and
collected on all taxes not then paid from [September] October 1, the
date when they become due and payable, and [between the 15th day
of January and the 1st day of February,] the County Treasurer
[may or may not in his discretion cause to be published as an adver-
tisement in two newspapers printed and published in said County
a list of such delinquents, together with the amount of taxes due by
each and the interest due thereon and he] shall deliver or mail to
each of said delinquents at their last known address between the
15th day of February and the 1st day of March in each year an
account of his assessments and the taxes and interest due thereon,
with a notice of warning to such delinquents thereto attached that
unless payment be made in full on or before the 1st day of April
next the same will be collected by process of law; and if on said
first day of April next the said taxes, interest and penalties are
unpaid, he shall immediately thereafter make up for his own use
in enforcing collection of said taxes a list of all delinquents assessed
with real estate [, giving the name of the person assessed, with a
brief description of the property, the District of its location, and
such other references as will render the same possible of identifica-