struments; each figure shall be twenty-two inches in length and of
proportionate width, and the figures at least six inches apart; and
it shall give to each person taking out such license one number thereof,
which shall be securely sewed upon the starboard side and in the
middle of that part of the mainsail which is above the close reef; this
number shall be placed in an upright position and worn at all times
during the dredging season, and returned at the end of the season,
and shall not be concealed or defaced, and no other number shall be
exposed to view or used than that which is furnished by the Com-
mission of Tidewater Fisheries.] Chesapeake Bay Affairs shall pro-
vide with each license two numbers, each painted in black figures on a
white colored durable material to be selected by the Department of
approximately two feet by two feet in size. The figures on the material
shall be not less than sixteen inches in height and of proportionate
width. The licensee shall securely attach the numbers to the shrouds
of the foremast on the port and starboard sides of the boat, with the
bottom or lower edge of the number not less than four (4) feet above
the deck. The numbers shall be displayed in an upright position so as
to provide maximum visability at all times during the dredging season,
shall be returned at the end of the season and shall not be concealed
or defaced. Any person who shall violate the provisions of this section
shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, as provided in Section 717;
and in any such case the boat or vessel shall be forfeited and con-
demned, in the discretion of the judge, in the manner as provided in
Section 717. The provisions of this section shall apply to all boats
licensed to take oysters with scrape or scoop by any county in this
State, except that the numbers for such boats shall be painted red
instead of black [; and the numbers shall be delivered by the Com-
mission of Tidewater Fisheries to the clerks of courts as they may be
ordered]. If a boat is licensed both under this section and under
Section 703, the county dredge number in red shall be displayed im-
mediately above the black number required under this section. The
numbers shall be delivered by the Department to the clerks of the
courts for issuance with the license.
(d) Upon the applicant's oath and upon receipt of application, the
clerk of the circuit court shall issue to said applicant a numbered
license and [a piece of canvas bearing the number of the license
painted in red; and for such license and number said] shall provide
with each license the numbers required by Section 702(d). For the
license and numbers the applicant shall pay to said clerk a license fee
of two dollars ($2.00) per gross ton for every gross ton said boat
shall measure; and in addition thereto shall pay a special fee of fifty
cents (50¢) to said clerk for the issuance of said license. Provided,
that the clerk of the circuit court of Dorchester or Talbot County
shall not issue a license to said applicant until the applicant proves
to the satisfaction of said clerk that he or she has been a bona fide
resident of the county in which he or she applies for the license for at
least twelve (12) months immediately prior to the date he or she
applies for the license. Provided also, that before any such license
shall be issued by the said clerk, the applicant shall prove to the satis-
faction of the said clerk that the captain or master of the applicant's
boat is a resident of said county for at least twelve (12) months im-
mediately prior to the application for such license.